Got to the Poatman website and regsiter or log in.
Create a new workspace or use an existing one. Be sure to be on the "Collections" tab at the left. Then click the button "Import":
No select or drag and drop the "DEXTools public API v2.postman_collection.json" file to import the collection:
If the import succeeded you will see the collection with sub sections per API call type:
After you imported the collection be sure to stay on the same workspace and click the tab "Environment" on the left:
No select or drag and drop the "DEXTools public API v2.postman_collection.json" file to import the collection:
If the import succeeded you will see the collection with sub sections per API call type:
The most important thing to set in your environment is the API key from Dextools:
When you changed the API key (or any other environment value click the save button when done:
There are other values like chain / poolAddress etc you can fill in the environment. When you execute (send) requests from the collection the environment values will be used in the request.
Go the "Collections" tab and then, if not done yet, choose an environment:
Now click the "Send" button at the top right and (if environment and option parameters are set) you will get your result.