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Clement T edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 2 revisions

To manually setup this control to your project, please follow the steps below:-

  1. Add the picker and dependency repositories

    # Add picker as submodule
    $ git submodule add
    # Add PureLayout as submodule
    $ git submodule add 
  2. Create resource bundle

    $ cd CTAssetsPickerController
    $ ./

    It will create a resource bundle in CTAssetsPickerController/CTAssetsPickerController.bundle.

    You will have to run this script to create a resource bundle every time you update this library.

  3. Add the following files/folders into your project and targets:-

    1. CTAssetsPickerController/CTAssetsPickerController/* (except Resources folder)
    2. PureLayout/PureLayout/PureLayout/*
  4. Add Photos.framework to your project.