- Clone the project in a folder.
- Run "yarn install" in cloned directory to install dependencies.
- Run "yarn serve" to serve the project on localhost. Or run “yarn build” to build the project for production.
Project demo video: https://youtu.be/2dbzLnLtK6o
Hosted at: https://affinitymap.netlify.app
- User can now drag and drop highlights freely from one bucket to other inside Group Highlights View.
- Clicking and dragging on whitespace now creates a selection rectangle, this rectangle selects all the notes which fall within that rectangle, which allows user to edit multiple highlights at once.
- Dragging a sticky note over a grouped highlight converts that sticky note into a highlight of that group.
- User can now delete an empty bucket from Group Highlights View.
- User can select a single highlight or sticky note by clicking on it to change it's group.
- Along with these features, many bug fixes, ui tweaks, and code improvements.
Components added:-
This component is used to enable drag to batch select functionality. It renders a rectagle, which selects all of highlights and sticky notes which fall within the rectangle, this provides them to the BatchGroupEdit component.
This component is used to edit groups of multiple highlights and sticky notes at once, using a small overly at bottom of the screen.
This project is created in VueJS framework. Here is the description of some important components.
This component displays the highlights in bucket form. The highlights corresponding to the bucket are displayed in their respective bucket.
This component takes the content of the highlight from the user (group, content, color, and username), and creates a highlight component.
This component takes name of the group from user, then hides all other highlights which do not correspond to the filters.
This component displays the highlights in bucket form. The highlights corresponding to the bucket are displayed in their respective bucket.
This component is container for FilterBox and CreateHighlight components and Group Highlights button.
This component Displays the Highlight in a card with the defined color.
As the name suggest this component is a simple zoomin and zoomout button.
This is the component where everything comes together to display the affinity map.
This file contains configuration of central vuex storage, where all the data related to the highlight and groups is stored.