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Provides samples of scripts to operate API Connect both on premise and in the cloud (Bluemix)


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In this repository samples of script to operate API Connect for both Windows and Unix.

Overview and approach

There are two aspects to operate in the context of API Connect:

  • The YAML for each API and Product and the WSDL in case of a SOAP API
  • The content of the YAML for fined grained control, for example, managing the Licenses and Terms section, or managing endpoint within properties for each catalog.

For the first case, manipulating the all yaml file, most of the work is performed using the apic command within the toolkit. For the second case, we need to modify the content of the file, two approaches here:

  • Using scripts to replace strings within the yaml that are pre positioned
  • Using a YAML/Swagger parser. We will illustrate the latest in this tutorial.

Here is the output of the apic -h command for the V5 version of API Connect


    -h, --help        syntaxe de la commande
    -v, --version     version du produit
    --ext-version     version détaillée du toolkit

Commandes (entrez apic COMMAND -h pour accéder à une aide supplémentaire) :

  Création et validation d'artefacts
    config          gestion des variables de configuration
    create          création d'artefacts de développement
    edit            exécution d'API Designer
    validate        validation des artefacts de développement

  Création et test d'applications
    logs            affichage des journaux de maintenance
    loopback        création et gestion d'applications LoopBack

    microgateway    création d'applications Micro Gateway
    props           propriétés des services
    services        gestion des services
    start           démarrage des services
    stop            arrêt des services

  Publication dans le cloud
    apis            gestion des API dans un catalogue
    apps            gestion des applications fournisseur
    catalogs        gestion des catalogues dans une organisation
    devapps         gestion des applications client
    drafts          gestion des API et des produits dans des brouillons
    login           connexion à un cloud IBM API Connect
    logout          déconnexion d'un cloud IBM API Connect
    members         gestion des membres
    orgs            gestion des organisations
    policies        gestion des stratégies dans un catalogue
    products        gestion des produits dans un catalogue
    publish         publication des produits et des API dans un catalogue
    securegateways  gestion des passerelles sécurisées
    spaces          gestion des espaces dans un catalogue
    subscriptions   gestion des abonnements

The most useful apic commands are:

  • Login: apic login -s -u [email protected] -p Passw0rd!
  • Get list of organizations: apic organizations --server
  • Get list of catalogs: apic catalogs --organization org1 --server
  • Get list of products: apic products --catalog sb --organization org1 --server
  • Get drafts APIs and Products: apic drafts --organization org1 -s
  • Get information on an API or a product: apic drafts:get loansoap --organization org1 --server
  • Pull an API or a product definition from draft: apic drafts:pull loansoap --organization org1 --server
  • Push an API or a product definition to draft: apic drafts:push loansoap_2.0.0.yaml --organization org1 --server
  • Publish a product to a catalog: apic publish loan-product_product_1.0.0.yaml --catalog sb --organization org1 --server

Hint: In those samples the manager hostname is, you need to replace according your environment onPremise or in the cloud. uid and password of course need to be changed with the right account as well.

Scope and use cases

The use cases are driven by the various roles included in API Connect. For more information, see : API Connect user roles

Scope Role name - Scope Role name
Cloud Manager Cloud Owner - API Manager Owner
Cloud Manager Cloud Administrator - API Manager Administrator
Cloud Manager Organization Manager - API Manager Product Manager
Cloud Manager Topology Administrator - API Manager API Developer
Developer Portal Developer Organization Owner - API Manager Publisher
Developer Portal App Developer
Developer Portal Viewer

More interesting for our cases are the permissions associated to the roles. In the following table, I have created a table will all the permissions and associated a number from 0 to 3, 0 means not a good candidate for scripting, 3 highly candidate for scripting. This classification is from my personal experience and is not an IBM official statement.

Permissions Type Likelyhood
Manage Manager and gateway services and servers Infrastructure 1
Manage provider organizations and their owners Infrastructure 1
Manage Cloud Manager users Users/Orgs. 2
Manage SSL identities Infrastructure 2
Manage user registries Infrastructure 1
Manage roles in the roles editing page Users/Orgs. 0
Manage organization users Users/Orgs. 2
Manage draft APIs APIs life cycle 3
Manage draft Products APIs life cycle 3
Approve Plan subscriptions APIs life cycle 2
Manage Catalogs Infrastructure 1
Manage developers and developer organizations Users/Orgs. 2
Life cycle management of APIs/Products in catalogs APIs life cycle 3
Manage Catalog members Users/Orgs. 2
Manage subscription approvals APIs life cycle 2
Manage applications Consumer side 1
Manage Spaces Infrastructure 1
Invite other users to join the developer orgs. Users/Orgs. 2
Create applications Consumer side 2
Subscribe to use APIs Consumer side 2

Managing the content of the Swagger file programmaticaly

Sample scripts

The scripts are organized in two directories, one for Windows one for Unix system. And under each folder, there are two folders one for each version V5 and V2018.

The UNIX implementations are not finalized. Please feel free to implement using Windows implementation as a sample.

The first script TestPublishVxxx illustrates three basic operations:

  1. List products and API in all catalogs and in draft for all organisation the user is authorized.
  2. Backup all products and APIs in draft
  3. Backup all catalogs


Provides samples of scripts to operate API Connect both on premise and in the cloud (Bluemix)








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