Welcome to APSSDC Data Analysis Using Python Training this repository consists of all the files, resources, and recorded session links which are discussed during the entire training.
APSSDC-ML-Datasets → [Click Here]
Few resources avaliable @ [resources.md] file don't forget to use them
Everyone should compulsory follow the below instruction in order to get the attendance --> Certificate
- Login format
- Don't give spaces in roll number or shorcut of your roll number
- Don't give spaces between rollnumber and name (only - single minus or hyphen character)
- Make sure roll number should match with the registered roll number
- Minimum
minutes should attend in150 minutes
session with same login format
- Introduction to Data
- Steps involved in Data Analysis
- Types of Data in Statistics (Numerical & Categorical)
- Types of data in real world
- Introduction to Python
- Features and Applications of Python
- Ananconda Software installation for Jupyter Notebook
- Literate Programming
- Jupyter Notebook Environment
- Markdown format for documentation
- Python Overview
- input/output
- Conditional Statements in python
- if
- if else
- if-elif-else
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Files
- Modules & Packages
- Data Manipulation with NumPy
- Introduction
- NumPy Arrays
- NumPy Basics
Day02 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- Numpy Basics
- Math
- Random
- Indexing
- Filtering
- Statistics
- Aggregation
- Saving/Retriving Data
Day03 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- Series
- DataFrame
- Indexing
- Features
- Filtering
- File imporitng
- Save/Data File Exporting
Day04 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format]
- Importing of Data from Multiple files
- Combining/merging of DataFrames (JOIN)
- Grouping
- Statistics
- Sorting data
- Data Visualization
- Data Cleaning / Data Preprocessing
Day05 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format]
- Standardization(standard scaler)
- Roboust Scaling
- DataRange(MinMax Scalar)
- Normalization
- replace the null values
- How to find out null values
Day06 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format]
- Replace the missing values(bfill,ffill,limit,replace)
- dropping the null values
- Matplotlib
Day07 Jupyter Notebook [.ipynb format]
Categorical scatterplots:
- stripplot() (with kind="strip"; the default)
- swarmplot() (with kind="swarm")
Categorical distribution plots:
- boxplot() (with kind="box")
- violinplot() (with kind="violin")
Setting the default style
stripplot() and swarmplot()
boxplot, violinplot
Regression Plot
barplot, pointplot and countplot
Creating heatmap
Creating pairplot