This repository consists of all the files, resources, and recorded session links which are discussed during Machine Learning using Python Online Training.
APSSDC-ML-Datasets → [Click Here]
Few resources avaliable @ [] file don't forget to use them
Everyone should compulsory follow the below instruction in order to get the attendance --> Certificate
- Login format
- Don't give spaces in roll number or shorcut of your roll number
- Don't give spaces between rollnumber and name (only - single minus or hyphen character)
- Make sure roll number should match with the registered roll number
- Minimum 120 minutes to attend in 150 minutes session
Attendance sheet reference purpose only(make sure to follow above instructions to get present) → [clickHere]
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Discussed Concepts:
- What is machine Learning
- Types of ML
- Applications
- Algorithms
Discussed Concepts
- Linear Regression for
Prediction of Salary
Prediction Reliance Industry revenue with Jio subscribers
Discussed Concepts
- Multi Linear Regression for house price prediction of boston dataset
- Applying Polynomial Features for Salary prediction dataset
Discussed Concepts
- K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
Discussed Concepts
- Logistic Regression Algorithm
- Support Vector Machine
Discussed Concepts
- Decision Tree
Discussed Concepts
- Random Forest Algorithm
Discussed Concepts
- K-Means Algorithm
Discussed Concepts
- Principal Component Analysis
- Saving model to pickle file
- connecting ML model with Flask application