This repository consists of all the files, resources, and recorded session links which are discussed during Programming using Python Online Training.
Few resources avaliable @ [] file don't forget to use them
Gotomeeting Link → [Click Here to Join] → Meeting Id → 389-871-757
Join in Slack for Communication Purpose → [Click Here to Join]
Everyone should compulsory follow the below instruction in order to get the attendance --> Certificate
- Login format
- Don't give spaces in roll number or shorcut of your roll number
- Don't give spaces between rollnumber and name (only - single minus or hyphen character)
- Make sure roll number should match with the registered roll number
- Minimum
minutes should attend in150/180 minutes
session with same login format
- Why python
- Python as a Language
- History
- Python Language properties
- Python High-level data types
- Comparsion between Python vs Java, Perl, C++
- Features of Python
- Python Programming Applications
- Softwares for Python Programming
- Anaconda Installation
- Difference between
files versus.ipynb
files - Literate Programming
- Jupyter Notebook Environment
- Markdown Syntax
- For documentation
- For Math
Day02_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
Literate Programming Paper → [.pdf], Markdown Cheat Sheet → [.pdf], Math Markdown Cheat Sheet → [.pdf]
- Python Basics
- print()
- input()
- Data Types
- Type Conversion
- Identifiers
- Properties of Identifiers
- Identifier Guidelines PEP8
- Operators in Python
- Arthematic
- Logical
- Relational
Day03_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- Operators in Python contd..
- Assignment
- Bitwise
- Special Operators in Python
- Membership
- Identity
- Strings
- What is a string
- How to declare a string
- Accessing the elements from the string
- String Slicing
- String Methods
Day04_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- String Methods contd.
- Conditional Statements
- if
- if-else
- if-elif-else
Day05_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- What is a Loop
- Requirements to Construct a Loop
- Types of Loops in Python
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Loop Termination Keyword (Break)
- Iteration Termination Keyword (Continue)
Day06_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- What is a Function
- Types of Functions in Python
- builtin Functions
- User Defined Functions
- Examples using functions
Day07_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- yesterday Task
- What is a list
- List slicing
- List indexing
- List methods
- some examples on list
Day08_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- What is a tuple
- tuple slicing
- tuple indexing
- tuple methods
- What is dictionary
- Methods in dictionary
- Examples in dictionary
Day09_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- yesterdays task
- What is set
- set methods
- What is dictionary
- Methods in dictionary
- Examples in dictionary
Day10_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- What is a File
- What is the process for FileHandling
- FileHandling methods
- FileHandling modes
- Some examples on methods
Day11_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- File Handling Contd.
- Reading Data and Writing to Multiple Files
- Using Binary Mode for creating
- Regular Expressions
- What is regular expression
- Methods in
package- search()
- match()
- findall()
- sub()
- split()
Day12_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- Regular Expressions Contd..
- Special Characters for patterns
- Regular Expession Patterens to Verify
- Given IP Address is valid or not
- Given Indian Mobile is valid or not
- Given Email ID valid or not (Task)
Day13_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- what is Functional Programming
- comprehension in python
- List comprehension
- Tuple comprehension
- set comprehension
- dictionary comprehension
- lambda function
- map function
- Generators and iterators functions
Day14_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- OOPS concept in python
- Discussed concept in oops:
- Class
- Object
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
- Hiherical Inheritance
- Introduction to Numpy
Day15_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format], [.pdf format]
- Introduction to Numpy
- Methods in Numpy
- Introduction to Pandas
Day16_Discussed_Notebook → [.ipynb format]
- Introduction to Pandas
- Methods in Pandas
- Introduction to Matplotlib
- Some Examples in Matplotlib