Releases: Adria-F/Gunbird-Coded-Dreams
Releases · Adria-F/Gunbird-Coded-Dreams
GunBird 1.0
- The Mine map up until the first boss.
- Two different players functionality (one with a gamepad and another one with the keyboard, or, both with keyboard).
- Each player has 3 lives, 4 power-up levels and can drop a bomb.
- 8 types of enemies implemented (Balloon, Drone, Barrel, Falling Drone, Flying Machine, General Turret, Tank and Torpedo) apart from the final Boss.
- Space/Y/Triangle button: fade scene (auto win in debug mode)
Gamepad (just for the first player)
- Left joystick: move character
- A button: shoot
- B button: drop bomb
Player 1
- WASD: move character
- F key: shoot
- G key: drop bomb
Player 2
- Arrow keys: move character
- Keypad '0' key: shoot
- Keypad '.' key: drop bomb
Special features
- F1/LB: (de)/activate Debugging Mode
- F2/RB: (de)/activate God Mode
- 2: activate second player (in-game)
Special features
- F1/LB button: (de)/activate debugging mode
- F2/RB button: (de)/activate god mode
- 2: activate second player (in-game)
GunBird 1.0 Beta
- Two different players functionality (one with gamepad and another one with keyboard).
- Mine map up until first boss.
- 8 types of enemies implemented (Balloon, Barrel, Drone, Falling Drone, Flying Machine, General Turret, Tank and Torpedo)
- Players have 3 lives.
- Players reach 3rd power up level.
- First boss.
Character 1
- Left joystick: move character
- A/X button: shoot
- Y/triangle button: fade scene
- LB/L1 button: (de)/activate debugging mode
- RB/R1 button: (de)/activate god mode
- WASD: move character
- F key: shoot
Character 2
- Arrow keys: move character
- 0 numpad key: shoot
Special features
- F1: activate / deactivate Debugging Mode
- Arrow numpad keys (8462): move camera
- F2: activate / deactivate God Mode
- 2: activate second player (in-game)
GunBird 0.6
- Two different players functionality (Marion (gamepad too) and Ash)
- Mine map up until the first boss.
- 8 types of enemies implemented (Balloon, Barrel, Drone, Falling Drone, Flying Machine, General Turret, Tank, and Torpedo)
- Players have 3 lives.
- One power-up level per player.
Character 1
- Left joystick: move character
- A/X button: shoot
- Y/triangle button: fade scene
- LB/L1 button: (de)/activate debugging mode
- RB/R1 button: (de)/activate god mode
- WASD: move character
- F key: shoot
Character 2
- Arrow keys: move character
- 0 numpad key: shoot
Special features
- F1: activate / deactivate Debugging Mode
- Arrow numpad keys (8462): move camera
- F2: activate / deactivate God Mode
- Two players (with two Power Ups)
- Three enemies
Character 1
WASD: move character
F key: shoot
Character 2
Arroy keys: move character
0 numpad key: shoot
Debugging Mode
Tab: activate / deactivate
Arrows numpad keys: move camera
GunBird 0.5
- Two different players functionality (Marion and Ash)
- First map until first miniboss (Castle)
- 3 types of enemies implemented (Antiaircraft, Humanoide Robot and Torpedo)
- 1 powerup implemented
Character 1
- WASD: move character
- F key: shoot
Character 2
- Arrow keys: move character
- 0 numpad key: shoot
Debugging Mode (God Mode)
- Tab: activate / deactivate
- Spacebar: change stage and auto win condition
- Backspace: lose condition
- Arrow numpad keys (8462): move camera