Note: THIS IS NOT PRODUCTON CODE. This SDK is example code to get you started making programmatic calls to AlchemyAPI.
This is a .NET (C#) implementation of the AlchemyAPI SDK. Mono and .NET sections for installation and examples are below. AlchemyAPI keys can be downloaded from - Please note that this legacy AlchemyAPI SDK is no longer supported by IBM. Please use the Watson SDKs✓&query=sdk_
To compile this module and generate the AlchemyAPI.dll file, enter the "module" directory and run the "" script.
To install this module, copy the AlchemyAPI.dll file created from the previous step into your desired .NET import directory, or set your MONO_PATH environment variable to point to the directory containing the compiled AlchemyAPI.dll file.
Several code examples are included to illustrate using the AlchemyAPI for named entity extraction, text classification, language identification, and other tasks.
All code samples are within the "example" directory.
To run these code samples you must first edit the (example/api_key.txt) file, adding your assigned AlchemyAPI API key.
Compiling Code Samples:
- Run "" (Compiles code using Mono)
Running Code Samples:
Entity Extraction: ./ entities.exe
Concept Tagging: ./ concepts.exe
Keyword Extraction: ./ keywords.exe
Text Categorization: ./ categories.exe
Language Identification: ./ language.exe
HTML Text Extraction: ./ text_extract.exe
HTML Structured Content Scraping: ./ constraint_queries.exe
Microformats Extraction: ./ microformats.exe
RSS / ATOM Feed Links Extraction: ./ feed_links.exe
Sentiment Analysis: ./ sentiment.exe
Relations Extraction: ./ relations.exe
Example Parameter Usage: ./ parameters.exe
Author Extraction ./ author.exe
To compile this module and generate the AlchemyAPI.dll file, enter the "module" directory and run the "build.bat" script.
To install this module, copy the AlchemyAPI.dll file generated from the previous step into your desired .NET import directory. For purposes of running examples, the dll is copied into the example folder.
Several code examples are included to illustrate using the AlchemyAPI for named entity extraction, text classification, language identification, and other tasks.
All code samples are within the "example" directory.
To run these code samples you must first edit the (example/api_key.txt) file, adding your assigned AlchemyAPI API key.
Compiling Code Samples:
- Run "build.bat" (Compiles code using .NET)
Running Code Samples:
Entity Extraction: entities.exe
Concept Tagging: concepts.exe
Keyword Extraction: keywords.exe
Text Categorization: categories.exe
Language Identification: language.exe
HTML Text Extraction: text_extract.exe
HTML Structured Content Scraping: constraint_queries.exe
Microformats Extraction: microformats.exe
RSS / ATOM Feed Links Extraction: feed_links.exe
Setiment Analysis: sentiment.exe
Relations Extraction: relations.exe
Example Parameter Usage: parameters.exe
Author Extraction: authors.exe
This module requires a C# compiler such as Mono or Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
The included "" is for use with the Mono C# compiler only.
Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Orchestr8, LLC.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Mono itself, either Mono version 2.2 or, at your option, any later version of Mono 2.2 you may have available.