Step 1: Go and download Udacity self driving simulator
Step 2: Drive and collect all information in training mode and pressing rec and store it in a folder named "track"
Step 2: Open colaboratoy
Step 3: Click on File -> Open Notebook and Choose Github
Step 4: Paste in the field and hit ENTER.
Step 5: Execute each cell in the notebook one by one and train the model
Step 6: Download and save the model to the same level as the file
Step 8: create the enviroment
- virtualenv sim-env
- source ./sim-env/bin/activate or .\sim-env\Scripts\activate Windows case.
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 10: Run the command
- python
Step 11: Run the simulator in autonomous mode
Step 1: guide for donkey
Step 2: Copy the generated mypilot.h5 file to your Raspberry Pi under the following location. /home/pi/d2/models/mypilot.h5
Execute the following command in your Raspberry Pi.
- cd ~/d2
- python drive --model ~/d2/models/mypilot