My third honest and most successful attempt at creating a gameboy emulator. Written entirely in C using win32 for graphical related things. In its current state it passes all blargs cpu instruction and memory access timing tests and dmg acid 2 to prove basic graphical accuracy.
There are still lots of inaccuracies that I may fine tune as I see fit when I run into compatability issues I have a problem with. I still have yet to add any sound support, so I may return to do that in the future as well.
I've tested quite a few games, including but not limited to the games shown in the screenshot below. All of these games run fine, but there exists a handfull that still don't.
If one wishes to use this for what ever reason, you can simply clone this repo and open the sln file in visual studio 2022. I've tested this from one machine to another so it should work.
Be sure to have a savs folder in the same directory as any ROMS