Arch Scape is a template for architecture offices, designed in Figma and built in HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript. It is created in a responsive and dynamic way, allowing the end user to customize it easily.
This project was a collaboration with the designer 'Padre Loo,' who handled the infrastructure of the design and made it ready for development. Contact Padre Loo: Telegram
Owner should be able to:
- Add projects.
- Add team memebers.
Users should be able to:
- Navigate through the page.
- Read projects details.
- Live Site URL: GitHub Pages
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- Tailwind utility classes.
- Tailwind Flexbox.
- Tailwind Grid.
- Tailwind Container.
- Tailwind breakpoints.
The current project is dynamic; however, it is not user-friendly when it comes to adding assets. I'm looking forward to using these assets in a CMS.
Aref Akminasi
- LinkedIn - Aref Akminasi
- Twitter - @aref_akminasi
Padre Loo
- Telegram - Telegram