#Optimize_Prime WebOcode
Our Site is Built using HTML, CSS and Javascript. We used various databases for images and some of them are Alphacoders, Wallpaper_cave and Unsplash.
Alphacoders: https://wall.alphacoders.com/
Wallpapercave : https://wallpapercave.com/
Unsplash : https://unsplash.com/
We have also used Flexbox and Media_Query for the site to be responsive in different screen sizes. We've also used responsive cards in our website. We've used sticky navbar and CSS Grid feature. We,ve used smooth scroll feature. We,ve applied rbg scrollbar in our Website.
Links for the complete website :
Netlify : https://optimizeprime.netlify.app/
Github Pages : https://ayush152.github.io/Optimize_Prime/