A Leaflet library that downloads map tiles and uses them offline. Check out the demo at https://betoxl.github.io/ngx.leaflet.offline/index.html .
Example: https://github.com/BETOXL/offlinemap-angular-example
@types https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/ngx.leaflet.offline
This library was heavily inspired and based on the leaflet.offline library by Allart Kooiman.
I decided to create a new one because the ideas I had were diverging too much from what leaflet.offline
proposes to do.
The biggest change I made was removing the dependency on localForage and introducing a new parameter that makes you able to give your own implementantion of a database layer to save, retrieve and delete the map tiles however you like as long as it implements the same interface (more on that below).
- Leaflet (v1.1.0)
If you use npm
, you can install ngx.leaflet.offline
by running:
npm install ngx.leaflet.offline
If you don't use a package manager, simply download a file from the dist/
folder and include it in your application.
When creating both the OfflineControl
and the OfflineLayer
, you need to pass an object that will act as the database layer when saving, retrieving and deleting map tiles.
The object must implement the following interface.
Method | Parameters | Returns |
'getItem' | key: String | Promise. The result of the promise must be a Blob, File or MediaStream representing the image |
'saveTiles' | tileUrls: Array | Promise. The result is ignored |
'clear' | None | Promise. The result is ignored |
When creating the OfflineLayer
, you need to pass the URL from where the map tiles will be retrieved, the database layer object and the options parameter.
There are no special options for the OfflineLayer
, they are the same as the TileLayer options from Leaflet.
When creating the OfflineControl
, you need to pass the OfflineLayer
, the database layer object and the options parameter.
The options parameter is defined as follows:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
'position' | String | 'topleft' | Control options |
'saveButtonHtml' | String | 'S' | The HTML that will be displayed as the save button |
'saveButtonTitle' | String | 'Save tiles' | The title that will be used for the save button |
'removeButtonHtml' | String | 'R' | The HTML that will be displayed as the remove button |
'removeButtonTitle' | String | 'Remove tiles' | The title that will be used for the remove button |
'minZoom' | Number | 0 | The save operation won't start when trying to save map tiles below this zoom level |
'maxZoom' | Number | 19 | The save operation will not save map tiles beyond this zoom level |
'confirmSavingCallback' | Function | null | A function to be executed before the save operation starts |
'confirmRemovalCallback' | Function | null | A function to be executed before the remove operation starts |
The callbacks should implement the following interface.
Method | Parameters | Returns |
'confirmSavingCallback' | nTilesToSave: Number, continueSaveTiles: Function | Whatever. Remember to call continueSaveTiles to resume the operation |
'confirmRemovalCallback' | continueRemoveTiles: Function | Whatever. Remember to call continueRemoveTiles to resume the operation |
Events fired by the OfflineControl
on the OfflineLayer
. Assume that tilesDb
is the database layer object.
Event | Data | Description |
'offline:below-min-zoom-error' | undefined | Fired when trying to save below minimum zoom level |
'offline:save-start' | {nTilesToSave: Number} | Fired when the save operation starts but before calling tilesDb.saveTiles |
'offline:save-end' | undefined | Fired when the promise from tilesDb.saveTiles finishes successfully |
'offline:save-error' | {error: Error} | Fired when the promise from tilesDb.saveTiles finishes with an error |
'offline:remove-start' | undefined | Fired when the remove operation starts but before calling tilesDb.clear |
'offline:remove-end' | undefined | Fired when the promise from tilesDb.clear finishes successfully |
'offline:remove-error' | {error: Error} | Fired when the promise from tilesDb.clear finishes with an error |
Creating the database layer object.
var tilesDb = {
getItem: function (key) {
// return Promise that has the image Blob/File/Stream.
saveTiles: function (tileUrls) {
// return Promise.
clear: function () {
// return Promise.
Creating the OfflineLayer
var map = L.map('map-id');
var offlineLayer = L.tileLayer.offline('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', tilesDb, {
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
subdomains: 'abc',
minZoom: 13,
maxZoom: 19,
crossOrigin: true
Creating the OfflineControl
var offlineControl = L.control.offline(offlineLayer, tilesDb, {
saveButtonHtml: '<i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
removeButtonHtml: '<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
confirmSavingCallback: function (nTilesToSave, continueSaveTiles) {
if (window.confirm('Save ' + nTilesToSave + '?')) {
confirmRemovalCallback: function (continueRemoveTiles) {
if (window.confirm('Remove all the tiles?')) {
minZoom: 13,
maxZoom: 19
Adding both of them to the map.
For a more complete example, check the demo code inside the gh-pages