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Steps to view app in Browser

  1. put freeplane zip into the folder artifacts/mindmap-backend
  2. put play zip into the folder artifacts/play-frontend
  3. vagrant up creates the virtual maschine and starts it
    • this may take a while the first time because it downloads an prepared image for Debian Squeeze
    • assure your firewall does not block the download
  4. after this the virtual maschine is started and the prompt returns, but the applications might need time to start
  5. if it not starts connect with ssh and run sudo service mindmap-backend-redeploy restart; sudo service play-frontend-redeploy restart; sudo service mindmap-backend next; sudo service play-frontend next;
  6. you can view the app in your browser with https://localhost:4443/
  7. If you change the puppet related files or deploy a new artifact call vagrant reload
    • to change the artifact to a new version, drop it into the artifacts folder and overwrite the existing file
  8. logs are provided in the local folder logs
  9. if you want to shutdown the virtual maschine call vagrant halt
  10. if you want to delete the virtual maschine call vagrant destroy


  • Linux: vagrant ssh
    • with non vagrant user: ssh -p 2222 vornamenachname@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
  • Windows: Putty with user vagrant, password vagrant and port 2222 on
  • further information to work with the server:

Working with the VM

Virtual maschine lifecycle

  • use the windows command line cmd and not cygwin/git bash int the directory where the Vagrantfile is
  • vagrant up creates the virtual maschine
    • this may take a while the first time because it downloads an prepared image for Debian Squeeze
    • assure your firewall does not block the download
  • vagrant reload restartes the virtual maschine
    • usefull if the configuration changes
    • usefull if new artifact is deployed
  • vagrant destroy deletes the virtual maschine
  • vagrant ssh opens a ssh session to the maschine
    • on windows: use Putty, username: vagrant, password: vagrant, Port 2222
  • vagrant halt shuts down a virtual maschine


  • Vagrant forwards ports, for example port 22 on the virtual maschine is available via port 2222

Addtitional notes

  • Docear takes a while to start
  • write shellscripts to build and deploy the apps
  • don't change files directly in this reposity. Fork this repository and create pull requests.
  • Docear should log into the logs folder, so you can read it without ssh but with your favorite text editor

CI maschine

  • cd vagrant-ci-server
  • lifecycle as in web server
  • you need to install the thin-backup plugin and restore the configuration via https://localhost:5443/ci/thinBackup/?
    • don't forget to mark "Restore plugins"
    • restart Jenkins
  • https://localhost:5443/ci
  • use line feeds, the carriage returns can break the puppet scripts
    • use dos2unix for *.pp files
