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The package contains utility classes in csharp for godot engine(Godot3.5)


(namespace: Cobilas.GodotEngine.Utility.Runtime)
The RunTimeInitialization class allows you to automate the Project>Project Settings>AutoLoad option.
To use the RunTimeInitialization class, you must create a class and make it inherit RunTimeInitialization.

using Cobilas.GodotEngine.Utility.Runtime;
//The name of the class is up to you.
public class RunTimeProcess : RunTimeInitialization {}

And remember to add the class that inherits RunTimeInitialization in Project>Project Settings>AutoLoad.
Remembering that the RunTimeInitialization class uses the virtual method _Ready() to perform the initialization of other classes.
And to initialize other classes along with the RunTimeInitialization class, the class must inherit the Godot.Node class or some class that inherits Godot.Node and use the RunTimeInitializationClassAttribute attribute.

using Godot;
using Cobilas.GodotEngine.Utility.Runtime;
public class ClassTest : Node {}


bootPriority: Represents the boot order
{ (enum Priority)values
name:The name of the object
subPriority: And the execution priority order.
//RunTimeInitializationClassAttribute(string? name, Priority bootPriority = Priority.StartBefore, int subPriority = 0, bool lastBoot = false)
[RunTimeInitializationClassAttribute(string?, [Priority:Priority.StartBefore], [int:0], [bool:false])]


The CoroutineManager class is responsible for creating and managing coroutines for godot.
How to create a coroutine?

using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using Cobilas.GodotEngine.Utility;

public class ClassTest : Node {
	private Coroutine coroutine;
	public override void _Ready() {
		coroutine = CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(Corroutine1());
		coroutine = CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(Corroutine2());
		coroutine = CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(Corroutine3());

	private IEnumerator Corroutine1() {
		GD.Print("Zé da manga");
		//When the return is null, by default the coroutine is executed as _Process().
		yield return null;

	private IEnumerator Corroutine2() {
		GD.Print("Zé da manga");
		//When the return is RunTimeSecond the coroutine is executed as _Process() with a pre-defined delay.
		yield return new RunTimeSecond(3);

	private IEnumerator Corroutine3() {
		GD.Print("Zé da manga");
		When the return is RunTimeSecond the coroutine is executed as _PhysicProcess() with a pre-defined delay.
		yield return new FixedRunTimeSecond(3);

With the IYieldVolatile interface you can switch coroutine execution between _Process(float) and _PhysicsProcess(float).

IYield Classes

  • RunTimeSecond is a framework that allows you to delay your coroutine in seconds. This class inherits IYieldUpdate.
  • FixedRunTimeSecond is a framework that allows you to delay your coroutine in seconds. This class inherits IYieldFixedUpdate.
  • IYieldUpdate is an interface that allows the coroutine to run in the _Process(float) function.
  • IYieldFixedUpdate is an interface that allows the coroutine to run in the _PhysicsProcess(float) function.
  • IYieldVolatile is an interface that allows the coroutine to run in the Process(float) or _PhysicsProcess(float) function.
  • IYieldCoroutine is the base interface for Yield interfaces.

Stop coroutines

Now to stop a coroutine.

public static void StopCoroutine(Coroutine Coroutine);
public static void StopAllCoroutines();


Now a class has been added for custom serialization of properties in the Godot inspector.
With the HideProperty and ShowProperty attributes you can serialize properties in the Godot inspector.


Below is an example of usage.

public class Exe1 : Node {
	[ShowProperty] string var1;
	[ShowProperty] string var2;
	[ShowProperty] string var3;
	//The property will not be shown but its value will be saved.
	[HideProperty] string var4;
	[ShowProperty] vec2d var5;

	public override GDArray _GetPropertyList() => SerializedNode.GetPropertyList(BuildSerialization.Build(this).GetPropertyList());
	public override bool _Set(string property, object value) => BuildSerialization.Build(this).Set(property, value);
	public override object _Get(string property) => BuildSerialization.Build(this).Get(property);
public struct vec2d {
	//When ShowProperty or HideProperty has its parameter true the value will be saved in cache.
	[ShowProperty(true)] public float x;
	[ShowProperty(true)] public float y;

The Cobilas Godot Utility is on

To include the package, open the .csproj file and add it.

	<PackageReference Include="Cobilas.Godot.Utility" Version="4.4.1" />

Or use command line.

dotnet add package Cobilas.Godot.Utility --version 4.4.1