Tired of this scenario?: you login into new box, or deploy your own, but since it's a fresh install you don't have your aliases, custom colors, PS1 prompt, vim/nano setup, htop layout and more?
This INIT script is your solution. Of course we could host those files on some http/scp server, but here it's hosted on github, and entire process is automated. So you are ready to go under 1 minute.
This package contains:
00-backup-current.sh Copies current configuration. bashrc and other files that will be changed.
01-prep-user.sh Prepare user env: bashrc vimrc nanorc, and so on...
02-prep-root.sh Same as 01 but for root. Plus some more con/var files often used on my boxes.
99-uninstall.sh Restores stuff from archive created by 00-backup-current.sh
README.md Well, you are looking at it right now.
other files/folders Everything else needed for this script. Some files are hidden. They will be deployed after you run 0*.sh
I do know, that this is no rocket sience. But I deploy A LOT of systems. Also help around friends. This entire process to setup system how I like it always takes some time. It got so annoying that I decided to automate it.
Feel free to modify it.