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Igor Rodchenkov edited this page Sep 23, 2015 · 5 revisions

Using the Binary Interaction Framework

The BioPAX pattern framework implements several pre-defined binary interaction patterns between proteins and small molecules, and facilitates their search in BioPAX models. This document shows how to search a model for binary interactions, and how to process the output.

Types of binary interactions

We defined 14 kinds of binary interactions. The types are listed in the enum SIFEnum. First 8 interaction types are defined between proteins. Next 4 are defined between a protein and a small molecule. Last 2 are defined between small molecules.

We chose the names of interaction types in a way that reading the text output of the interaction makes sense like a sentence. For instance:

MDM2 controls-state-change-of TP53

Basic use

Load a model

There are many ways to get a Model using Paxtools. Below code is for reading a Model from an OWL file.

SimpleIOHandler io = new SimpleIOHandler();
model = io.convertFromOWL(new FileInputStream("/path/to/file.owl"));

Search and write

Below code searches all pre-defined types of binary interactions in the given model, and writes the results to the given file.

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(SIFEnum.values());
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"));

Advanced use

Iterating interactions

Instead of a text file output, SIFSearcher can return the SIFInteraction objects, so that users can do computation on them.

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(SIFEnum.values());
Set<SIFInteraction> binaryInts = searcher.searchSIF(model);
for (SIFInteraction inter : binaryInts)

Limiting to a relation type

SIFSearcher takes the relation types of interest as arguments in the constructor. Below code limits the relation types to controls-state-change-of and controls-expression-of relations.


Customizing text output

A SIFToText object can be used to customize the output text file contents. Following code adds the related publication IDs for each binary interaction to the end of each line.

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(SIFEnum.values());
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"), new SIFToText()
	public String convert(SIFInteraction inter)
		String s = inter.toString();
		for (String pmID : inter.getPubmedIDs())
			s += "\t" + pmID;
		return s;

As an alternative to implementing a new SIFToText class, users can use a CustomFormat object. This class generates a tab-delimited multi-column output, where the 4th and later column values can be customized. First 3 columns are not customized with this class and they are always source ID, interaction type, and target ID.

Below code generates a SIF output that contains 8 columns. The parameter strings passed to CustomFormat class indicates the types of the customized columns. These can either be pre-defined types (valid values are the first 4 parameters below), or a path string (such like the 5th parameter).

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(SIFEnum.values());
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"), 
	new CustomFormat("mediator", "pubmed", "pathway", "resource",

When a column in the output needs to combine values from multiple paths, these path strings should be separated with a semicolon (;).

Finally, if the user wants to generate SIF in the old EXTENDED_BINARY_SIF format, they should use the below code.

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(SIFEnum.values());
Set<SIFInteraction> binaryInts = searcher.searchSIF(model);
OldFormatWriter.write(binaryInts, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"));

Blacklisting ubiquitous small molecules

When users do not want to include ubiquitous small molecules in the binary interaction patterns, they can prepare a Blacklist, and pass it to SIFSearcher. A Blacklist keeps record of IDs of ubiquitous small molecules along with their ubiquity score and context. The context can be input, output, or both. Blacklist can write itself to a file, and can load from a text file.

A sample blacklist (that was generated for one of Pathway Commons 2 BioPAX models) is here.

The blacklist file contains 3 columns.

  • Column 1: URI of the blacklisted SmallMoleculeReference
  • Column 2: Ubiquity score used for blacklisting
  • Column 3: The context of blacklisting

The third column (context) can have values I, O, or B, which stands for Input, Output, and Both, respectively. As an example, ATP is ubiquitously consumed, while ADP is ubiquitously produced in the cell. So their context of blacklisting are I and O, respectively. On the other hand, NADH is both consumed and produced ubiquitously, so its context is B.

Below is the sample code that uses a blacklist.


Blacklist blacklist = new Blacklist("/path/to/blacklist.txt");
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"));

Generating blacklist for ubiquitous small molecules

The BlacklistGenerator class is built to infer ubiquitous small molecules in a given large model. Since it evaluates connection statistics of small molecules in the model, it is important that the model is very big, like the whole data of a resource, or the integrated model of all the resources.

BlacklistGenerator gen = new BlacklistGenerator();
Blacklist blacklist = gen.generateBlacklist(model);
blacklist.write(new FileOutputStream("path/to/blacklist.txt"));

Customizing IDs

Each binary interaction is produced from one or more specific pattern matches in the data. A binary interaction is identified with its sourceID, targetID and type. By default, gene symbols for proteins, and display names for small molecules are used for source and target IDs. To customize this, users can pass their IDFetcher objects to the constructor of SIFSearcher. Below code is for using the displayName property of entities as ID.

IDFetcher idf = new IDFetcher()
	public Set<String> fetchID(BioPAXElement ele)
		if (ele instanceof Named) return Collections.singleton(((Named) ele).getDisplayName());
		else return Collections.emptySet();

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(idf, SIFEnum.values());

Modifying an interaction type

To customize the graph patterns that correspond to an exsting binary interaction type, users need to write their own SIFMiner class. This new SIFMiner object can be passed to the constructor of the SIFSearcher.

SIFMiner miner = ... // User's own SIF miner object
SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(miner);
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"));

Defining a new interaction type

To define a new interaction type, users should implement their own SIFType object, and at least one SIFMiner that searches for it.

class MySIFType implements SIFType
	public String getTag()
		return "my-type";

	public boolean isDirected()
		return true; // or false

	public String getDescription()
		return "This is my very own binary interaction type";

	 * The "getSIFType" method of MySIFMiner has to return this type.
	public List<Class<? extends SIFMiner>> getMiners()
		return new ArrayList<Class<? extends SIFMiner>>(Arrays.asList(MySIFMiner.class));

SIFSearcher searcher = new SIFSearcher(new MySIFType());
searcher.searchSIF(model, new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.sif"));