Crypto's is a platform dedicated to crypto investors who want to get more information about the crypto currensies they are interested in to invest and compare them with other currencies available in market.
- If you want to clone it to you local system to do some modification use 'npm install' command in your terminal and all the dependencies will get installed locally.
- This webapp is fully responsive to use in any device and user can toggle between dark and light modes.
- To view and search various crypto currencies available in market user can visit dashboard where it can search any currency in mid directly and the list will get filtered.
- User can also choose in which country currency he/she want to get the value of crypto currencies.
- User get to choose the view of coins i.e, grid view or list view.
You have some coins you need to compare among with their price, market cap or total volume, we got you cover.
Visit the compare section/page where you can choose between the country currency you want the value in, the cryptos you want to compare and the the day ranges you want to get details of.
Changes will be shown in graphs with there up and down and you can toogle between price/market-cap/total-volume.
Details of coins shall be in bottom.
If there are some crypto you watch frequently or those are your fevorite, you can add them to your watch-list, so you can keep track of those.
You can add or remove these coins.
- Each card/list of coin is clickable, upon clicking which you will redirected to that particular coin page where you can view details of that coin in graphs and can see the coin information at bottom.