Green Energy News brings you the latest headlines about green energy from around the world and the United States.
You can sort to see only World news or U.S. news.
Then click to read the article.
This site is built by accessing data collected by News API
To retreive WORLD green energy news the Everything end point is used. It also includes a search for energy AND (solar OR wind OR clean OR green OR "climate change"). It limits the scope of publications to,,, and This allows for a high quality of returns.
The USA query includes the same search words and focuses on US media publications:,,, and
The font Lato was chosen from Google Fonts and used exclusively.
This sans-serif font was chosen for its readability, nod to newspaper fonts, and multiple font weights.
In a Lighthouse review the site recieved an 8/9.
This was not 9/9 due to using smaller headline sizes at the top of the page.
Future iterations could remedy this, so that screen readers could best serve visitors to the site.
Experimenting with the api and it's possibilities began my UX Design process.
I wanted to find a niche that had value to potential users and something I cared about.
After settling on Green Energy news, I:
- researched other online news sites
- drew lofi wireframes
- created a user persona
- wrote user stories
- used Notion for project notes
- created a list of project tasks with a github project board
- React, 18.2.0
- React Router, 6.14.2
- UUID 9.0
Project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Used Router version 6 for the first time
- Used Hooks for the first time in a solo project
- Completed the project in two days
To see the site for yourself, clone down this repo, then type:
"npm install" in your terminal.
typing "npm start" will launch the site...
The app will run in the development mode on your computer.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
This was a solo project created by Carol Bradsen while a student at The Turing School for Software & Design