This repository holds the code that are APIs for the project module (everything but the document management) of the PHLIP application. There are other repositories that make up this project, they can be found here:
- Frontend UI - phlip-frontend
- Document Management API - phlip-doc-management
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Below are a list of items that are required and optional for the development environment. Each item is linked to a page about installing it. Really, you only need Docker, the Node/NPM are if you want to run the commands from the package.json file. You're welcome to just look at the package.json file and run the Docker commands instead. All of the code running is done in a Docker container, so the Node and NPM are taken care of there.
$ git clone
$ cd phlip-backend
We run the SQL Server in Docker to make things easier.
Use the command below to start SQL Server on the default port of 1433.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.sql.yml up
Use the command below to run migrations on the SQL Server.
$ dotnet ef database update
(You may get an error about ef not being available/recognized, if that happens, run the following to install the ef tool:)
$dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Use the command below to start the API server on port 8000.
$ dotnet run
This application is just an API so there is no frontend. The frontend for this repository is at
This application uses Swagger to document all of the API routes. You can access swagger when the application is running in development mode at http://localhost:8000/swagger.
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This project constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC § 105.
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