SOFAStack™ (Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack) is a collection of cloud native middleware components, which are designed to build distributed systems with high performance and reliability, and have been fully validated by mission-critical financial business scenarios.
Home Page:
Source Code:
- SOFABoot is a development framework open sourced by Ant Financial which is based on Spring Boot, provides capabilities such as Readiness Check, class isolation, log space isolation and asynchronous initialization of bean.
- SOFARPC is a high-performance, high-extensibility, production-level Java RPC framework.
- SOFAMesh SOFAMesh is a large-scale implementation solution for Service Mesh which is improved and extended based on Istio.
- SOFAMosn SOFAMosn(Modular Observable Smart Network) is a powerful proxy acting as Service Mesh's data plane written in GoLang.
- SOFATracer SOFATracer is a distributed link tracing system based onOpenTracing specification.
- SOFALookout SOFALookout is a lightweight and open source middleware service that solves the metrics and monitoring issues of the system.
- SOFABolt SOFABolt is a network communication framework implemented based on Netty.
- SOFAArk SOFAArk is a light-weight, java based classloader isolation framework.
- SOFAJarslink Is a dynamic modules and merged deployments solution based on SOFAArk.
- SOFAActs ACTS (AntCoreTest) is a white-box testing framework that is based on the accumulation of testing practices for financial-grade distributed architectures.
- SOFAJraft SOFAJRaft is a production-grade, high-performance Java implementation based on the RAFT consensus algorithm.
- SOFARegistry SOFARegistry is a production ready, high efficient, highly available service registry.
- SOFADashboard Is a one-stop console of SOFAStack.
More projects in: github/sofastack
- Github
- <SOFA:Lab /> SOFA Source Research Lab
- WeChat
Official Account:Antfin_SOFA is a technology exchange platform dedicated to building first-class distributed technologies in financial scenario applications, focusing on the most cutting-edge, reference-oriented technical solutions and implementation routes in the financial technology industry.
WeChat Groups:We have ten groups and more than four thousand developers, Add
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- DingTalk
DingTalk Group:
DingTalk Group:「SOFAStack Online service」, If you have used any SOFAStack related components in a production environment, please let us know, and we will invite you to join this group for faster communication and more efficient use of problem support online.
- SegmentFault
Here we list the companies or organizations we know that use all or part of the SOFAStack in production environments. You can go through SOFAStack User Registration to register. After registration, we will invite you to join the DingTalk group「SOFAStack Online service」for faster communication and more efficient online use support. The following rankings are in no particular order:
There are hundreds of people have contributed articles and code to SOFAStack, thank you very much!
This list will updated at the beginning of each month, order by Github user ID
If you want to contribute, you can go directly to the project list to find the project you are interested in.