Tags: Javascript, Functions, Conditionals, Array
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
Tags: Javascript, DOM, HTML, CSS
Complete an application that encrypts a piece of text using Caesar's Cipher. The cipher uses an encryption algorithm where each letter is replaced with a letter by some fixed number of positions down the alphabetical series (e.g., a shift of 1 replaces the letter a with b, the letter e with f, the word hello with ifmmp, etc.).
The application has the following requirements: Text from the textarea is encrypted and rendered for the user Encryption happens when the “shift” value is set Encryption of the text is updated which each new character typed by the user given there is a value set for “shift” Application has an appealing design and provides a great user experience. A picture from Julius Caesar is displayed There is a section that explains how the cipher works At least 2 colours are used
Tags: Refactor, API, Fetch, Javascript, DOM
Everybody loves a good quiz, right?. Why not make one ourselves.
Continue with the provided code and fetch questions to display from the Trivia API.
Fetch a question by using the endpoint https://the-trivia-api.com/api/questions. Complete the code modules/question.api.js. Display the category of the question, modify the code in modules/question.component.js to make this happen.