GDBTuner is a general auto tuner for database knobs. GDBTuner mainly use RL algorithm for auto tuning, which is cheaper and more efficient than DBA.
create a new database:
create database gdbtuner;
show innoddb_metrics:
select name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_metrics where status="enabled" order by name;
create a new user and database:
# Login in as root
CREATE USER 'gdbtuner'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'gdbtuner'@'localhost';
CREATE database sbtest;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sbtest TO 'gdbtuner'@'localhost';
workload type: read/write/read_write.
tables=8 table-size=100 report-interval=5 # report each 5 seconds. threads=16 # for projgw, 128 is the highest. time=20 # how long will we run sysbench.
use best_performance or last_performance?
Whether define action as the knobs' value, or define action as the increasing/decreasing length/bool of values.
use -10 or -50?
number of tables and size of tables, and workload type.