PdSSync is still in early development phases do not use in any project ! Currently the web api is prototyped in PHP.
A simple delta synchronizer for documents and data between devices.It allows to synchronizes local and distant grouped sets of files.The standard synchronization topology relies on a client software and a light blind Restfull service, but it can work locally and using P2P.
- do not rely on any server side framework
- the client should insure the security layer
- delegate as much as possible of the synchronization logic to the clients to distribute the load and to save server charge and bandwidth
- keep it as minimal and simple as possible
- do not focus on conflict resolution but on fault resilience (there is no transactional guarantee)
- allow very efficient caching and mem caching strategy (we will provide advanced implementation samples)
- support any encryption and cryptographic strategy
- allow advanced hashing strategy ( like : considering that a modified file should not be synchronized because the modification is not significant)
For PdSSync a HashMap is a dictionary with for a given folder the list of all its files relative path as a key and a Hash as a value or the inverse.
The master maintains one HashMap per root folder, the hash map is crypted.
Json representation :
"hashToPath" : {
"1952419745" : "47b2e7fb27643408f95f7c66d995fbe9.music",
"2402594160" : "folder1/4fd6de231a723be15375552928c9c52a.track",
A DeltaPathMap references the differences between two HashMap and furnish the logic to planify downloading or uploading command operations for clients according to their role.
Json representation :
With 1 Source client (Objc), 1 sync service(php), and n Destination clients(Objc)
- Source -> downloads the HashMap (if there is no HashMap the delta will be the current local)
- Source -> proceed to DeltaPathMap creation and command provisionning
- Source -> uploads files with a .upload prefix to the service
- Source -> uploads the hasMap of the current root folder and finalize the transaction (un prefix the files, and call the sanitizing procedure = removal of orpheans, Optionaly the synch server can send a push notification to the slave clients to force the step 5)
- Destination -> downloads the current HashMap
- Destination -> proceed to DeltaPathMap creation and command provisionning
- Destination -> downloads the files (on any missing file the task list is interrupted, the local hash map is recomputed and we step back to 5)
- Destination -> on completion the synchronization is finalized. (We redownload the HashMap and compare to conclude if stepping back to 5 is required.)
A very simple PHP sync restfull service to use in conjonction with PdSSync objc client
- 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
- 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted
- 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request
- 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
- 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
- 401 => 'Unauthorized' : if auth is required
- 423 => 'Locked' : if locked
[www.w3.org] (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html), [www.ietf.org] (http://www.ietf.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xml)
Any command is encoded in an array. Json Encoded command [PdSCopy,,] : [1,'a/a.caf','b/c/c.caf'] will copy the file from 'b/c/c.caf' to 'a/a.caf'
typedef NS_ENUM (NSUInteger,
PdSSyncCommand) {
PdSCreate = 0 ,
PdSUpdate = 1 ,
PdSMove = 2 ,
PdSCopy = 3 ,
PdSDelete = 4
} ;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger,
PdSSyncCMDParamRank) {
PdSCommand = 0,
PdSDestination = 1,
PdSSource = 2
} ;
touch ~/Documents/Samples/text1.txt
echo "Eureka1" > ~/Documents/Samples/text1.txt
touch ~/Documents/Samples/text2.txt
echo "Eureka2" > ~/Documents/Samples/text2.txt
touch ~/Documents/Samples/hashmap.data
echo "[]" > ~/Documents/Samples/hashmap.data
Replace your-base-url with your own base url
- Verify the reachability
http GET <your-base-url>api/v1/reachable/
- Install
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/install/ key='default-creative-key'
- Create a files trees
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/create/tree/1 key='default-creative-key'
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/create/tree/2 key='default-creative-key'
- Touch the 1 tree to reset the public id, then try an unexisting ID
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/touch/tree/1
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/touch/tree/unexisting-tree
- Grab the hashmap that should not exists
http -v GET <your-base-url>api/v1/hashMap/tree/1/ redirect==true returnValue==false
- Upload the files
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/uploadFileTo/tree/1/ destination=='a/file1.txt' syncIdentifier=='your-syncID_' source@~/Documents/Samples/text1.txt
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/uploadFileTo/tree/1/ destination=='a/file2.txt' syncIdentifier=='your-syncID_' source@~/Documents/Samples/text2.txt
- Finalize the upload session
http -v -f POST <your-base-url>api/v1/finalizeTransactionIn/tree/1/ commands='[[0 ,"a/file1.txt"],[0 ,"a/file2.txt"]]' syncIdentifier='your-syncID_' hashmap@~/Documents/Samples/hashmap.data
- Download the file1
http -v GET <your-base-url>api/v1/file/tree/1/ path=='a/file1.txt' redirect==false returnValue==true
- Download the hashmap that should now exist
http -v GET <your-base-url>api/v1/hashMap/tree/1/ redirect==true returnValue==false