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Collin Heist edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 1 revision


Cards of this style feature a solid-color banner at the bottom of the image, with all text directly on top of or within the banner. The banner and text can be recolored and resized.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as banner.




Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
alternate_color black Color of the text that appears in the banner
banner_color Matches font color Color of the banner
banner_height 185 How many pixels high the banner is
episode_text_font_size 1.0 Scalar of the size of the episode text
hide_banner false Whether to hide the banner completely
x_offset 50 How far from the edge the text should appear


Alternate Color

The color of the the text that appears on top of the banner can be adjusted with the alternate_color extra. This defaults to black.


The following example showcases an alternate color of crimson.

  The Wire (2002):
    card_type: banner
      alternate_color: crimson

Which produces Cards like:

Banner Color

The color of the banner itself can be adjusted with the banner_color extra. By default this matches the font.

Banner Height

The height of the banner can be adjusted with the banner_height extra. By default this is 185 pixels.

Episode Text Font Size

The size of the episode text can be adjusted via the episode_text_font_size extra. Values larger than 1.0 will increase the size of the text, and values smaller than 1.0 will decrease it.

Banner Toggle

Whether to hide the banner completely. Default value is false.

Horizontal Offset

The distance at which text is offset from the side of the card. By default, this is 50 pixels.

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