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Edit FalconDeviceControlPolicy

bk-cs edited this page Oct 1, 2024 · 23 revisions



Modify Falcon Device Control policies


Requires 'Device control policies: Write'.


Name Type Description Min Max Allowed Pipeline PipelineByName
InputObject Object[] One or more policies to modify in a single request X
Id String Policy identifier
Name String Policy name
Description String Policy description
Setting Object Policy settings
Default Switch Modify the default Windows Device Control policy
Blocked String Custom notification for blocked events
UseBlocked Boolean Enable custom notification for blocked events
Restricted String Custom notification for restricted events
UseRestricted Boolean Enable custom notification for restricted events


Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy [-Id] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-Description] <String>] [[-Setting] <Object>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -InputObject <Object[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -Default [[-Blocked] <String>] [[-UseBlocked] <Boolean>] [[-Restricted] <String>] [[-UseRestricted] <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]



PATCH /policy/entities/default-device-control/v1
PATCH /policy/entities/device-control/v1




Enable policy settings

$Setting = @{
    enforcement_mode = 'MONITOR_ENFORCE'
    end_user_notifications = 'NOTIFY_USER'
    classes = @(
            id = 'AUDIO_VIDEO'
            action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
            exceptions = @(
                    combined_id = '1133_2092_7A4F8BD0'
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
                    expiration_time = '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'
            id = 'MASS_STORAGE'
            action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
            exceptions = @(
                    vendor_id = '59f'
                    vendor_name = 'LaCie'
                    product_id = '10c4'
                    product_name = 'HDD'
                    action = 'BLOCK_EXECUTE'
                    vendor_id_decimal = '3010'
                    vendor_name = 'Seagate'
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -Id <id> -Setting $Setting

Create or add exceptions

$Setting = @{
    classes = @(
            id = 'ANY'
            exceptions = @(
                    action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
                    combined_id = '1_2_345'
                    action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
                    vendor_id_decimal = '6'
                    vendor_name = 'Example Vendor'
                    product_id_decimal = '7'
                    product_name = 'Example Product'
                    serial_number = '891'
            id = 'IMAGING'
            action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
            exceptions = @(
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
                    combined_id = '5_4_321'
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
                    vendor_id_decimal = '20'
                    vendor_name = 'Example Vendor 2'
                    product_id_decimal = '30'
                    product_name = 'Example Product 2'
            id = 'MASS_STORAGE'
            action = 'BLOCK_ALL'
            exceptions = @(
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
                    combined_id = '5_4_321'
                    action = 'FULL_ACCESS'
                    vendor_id_decimal = '30'
                    vendor_name = 'Example Vendor 3'
Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -Id <id> -Setting $Setting

See Add a list of combined_id exceptions to a Device Control policy.

Remove exceptions from a policy

$Setting = @{ delete_exceptions = @('id', 'id') }
Edit-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -Id <id> -Setting $Setting

NOTE: The required id values can be found under the settings.classes.exceptions sub-object. Classes can be filtered by their relevant id values to find the specific exceptions for that class type.

$Policy = Get-FalconDeviceControlPolicy -Id <id>
$Policy.settings.classes.Where({ $ -eq 'MASS_STORAGE' }).exceptions

See Create CSVs containing Device Control policy details and exceptions.

2024-09-03: PSFalcon v2.2.7

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