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DEMOLITIONDON96 edited this page May 5, 2022 · 2 revisions

Opponent/CPU Note Skins

All characters have a note skin now (Pixel Skins coming soon)

This is currently run under mayo78’s CPU Skin code, if you plan to give your mod’s character a note skin of their own, it’s simple:

Under Note.hx, look for this code shown below:

			case 'dad':
				skin = 'Skins/DADNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true; //same as before
			case 'gf' | 'gf-opponent' | 'gf-car' | 'gf-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/gfNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'mom' | 'mom-car':
				skin = 'Skins/MOMNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'parents-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/ParentsNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'pico' | 'pico-player':
				skin = 'Skins/picoNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'monster' | 'monster-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/LemonboiNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'spooky':
				skin = 'Skins/SpookyNOTE_assets';
				antialias = true;
			case 'bf-pixel-opponent':
				skin = 'Skins/pixelBF-notes';
			        antialias = false;

Under the pixel bf skin code, you can copy and paste the skin code and modify it to the name of your character json file and image (character name MUST be all lowercase if there are any caps)

For Example:

        skin =Skins/CaptainNotes’;
        antialias = true;

Save it, and then go to StrumNote.hx, it should pretty much look the same as in Note.hx

in case you need to see how it looks like again for whatever reason, here is how it looks like in the file:

			case 'dad':
				skin = 'Skins/DADNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true; //same as before
			case 'gf' | 'gf-opponent' | 'gf-car' | 'gf-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/gfNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'mom' | 'mom-car':
				skin = 'Skins/MOMNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'parents-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/ParentsNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'pico' | 'pico-player':
				skin = 'Skins/picoNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'monster' | 'monster-christmas':
				skin = 'Skins/LemonboiNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'spooky':
				skin = 'Skins/SpookyNOTE_assets';
				doAntialiasing = true;
			case 'bf-pixel-opponent':
				skin = 'Skins/pixelBF-notes';
				doAntialiasing = false;
				if(PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin != null && PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin.length > 1) skin = PlayState.SONG.arrowSkin;

You pretty much do the same thing here, so, here’s the example again:

        skin =Skins/CaptainNotes’;
        doAntialiasing = false;

NOTE: you do not need to worry about lowercasing everything here, but, it is case sensitive

After that, compile your game, and your character should have the note skin you want it to have!

(The note skin will appear on the corresponding character, regardless of the song)

Custom Judgement Skins

You may notice we added in Custom Judgment UI (totally not stolen)

in here I, Cat - Matt will show you how to add your very own Custom UI

Making The Sprites

Inside assets/shared/images/judgements you will see a template folder


This Folder Contains The Default Judgments with both Normal And Pixel

Yes its required to have both Normal and Pixel assets or it will not work

make a copy of the folder and rename it to whatever you want

here is a example


open the folder that you just created and edit the spites to liking

another example


Coding in the sprites

inside of PlayState.hx search up switch (ClientPrefs.uiSkin)

should see this


and do somthing like this


then save

now go inside of options/VisualsUISubState.hx

and find this line


add the same title as you named it inside of playstate


Then Compile

As you see our custom judgement is here


even more examples


There is more to come...