The pipeline is designed to provide efficient pre-processing and quality control of bulk RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data on high performance computing clusters (HPCs) using the Torque/PBS scheduler or using a single high CPU, high RAM machine, and has been made available by the Data Analytics Core (DAC) of the Center for Quantitative Biology (CQB), located at Dartmouth College. Both single- and paired-end datasets are supported, in addition to both library preparation methods for full-length or 3'-only analysis. The pipeline has been built and tested using human and mouse data sets. Required software can be installed using Conda with the enrionment file (environment.yml), or specified as paths in the config.yaml file.
The major steps implmented in the pipeline include:
- FASTQ quality control assesment using FASTQC
- Read trimming for Poly-A tails, specified adapters, and read quality using cutadapt
- Alignment using Hisat or STAR
- Quantification with Featurecouts and RSEM
All of these tools can be installed in a conda environment or on paths available to a computing server. As input, the pipeline takes raw data in FASTQ format, and produces quantified read counts (using HTSeq-Count or RSEM) as well as a detailed quality control report (including pre- and post-alignment QC metrics) for all processed samples. Quality control reports are aggregated into HTML files using MultiQC.
The pipeline uses Snakemake to submit jobs to the scheduler, or spawn processes on a single machine, and requires several variables to be configured by the user when running the pipeline:
sample_tsv - A TSV file containing sample names and paths to fastq paths. See example in this repository for formatting.
layout - Either "single" or "paired" library construction.
aligner_name - 'hisat' or 'star'
aligner_index - Path to Hisat or STAR genome reference index
picard_rrna_list - Absolute path to coordinates of ribosomal RNA sequences in reference genome, in interval-list format
picard_refflat - Absolute path to genome annotation in RefFlat format
annotation_gtf - Absolute path to genome annotation file (.gtf) of Featurecouts or RSEM
featurecounts_strand - "1" or "2" #1 for first read transcription strand, 2 for second.*
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd DAC-RNAseq-pipeline
Activate an environment containing Snakemake:
conda activate /dartfs/rc/nosnapshots/G/GMBSR_refs/envs/snakemake
Build, configure, and check reference files:
snakemake -s Snakefile --use-conda -j 6 --conda-prefix /dartfs/rc/nosnapshots/G/GMBSR_refs/envs/DAC-RNAseq-pipeline build_refs
cat ref/pipeline_refs/hg38_chr567_100k.entries.yaml >> config.yaml
snakemake -s Snakefile --use-conda -j 6 --conda-prefix /dartfs/rc/nosnapshots/G/GMBSR_refs/envs/DAC-RNAseq-pipeline check_refs
Run the pipeline:
snakemake -s Snakefile --use-conda -j 6 --conda-prefix /dartfs/rc/nosnapshots/G/GMBSR_refs/envs/DAC-RNAseq-pipeline
The DAC has made public references and their corresponding aligner index and annotation files available to the Dartmouth community on Discovery/DartFS. Additional documentation on the public references can be found in thieir repository. Pre-built config.yaml files for this RNA-Seq pipeline have also been added to the prebuilt_configs directory of this repository. As of 4/29/24, there are configs for any combination of human/mouse, single/paired reads, and Hisat2/STAR/RSEM. An example of using a prebuilt config for human, Hisat2, paired-end reads is as follows:
snakemake -s Snakefile --configfile prebuilt_configs/human_config_paired_hisat.yaml --use-conda -j 6 --conda-prefix /dartfs/rc/nosnapshots/G/GMBSR_refs/envs/DAC-RNAseq-pipeline
When using a pre-built config, one will still have to create a sample_fastq_list.txt for each specific run, and ensure this file is specified correctly at the top of the config file.
Submit the pipeline to a single machine, allowing usage of 40 cores:
snakemake --use-conda -s Snakefile -j 40
Submit the pipeline to a computing cluster using the profile defined in cluster_profile/config.yaml, and allow jobs to be re-run twice in case of failure:
snakemake --use-conda -s Snakefile --profile cluster_profile -T 2
Contact & questions: Please address questions to [email protected] or submit an issue in the GitHub repository.
This pipeline was created with funds from the COBRE grant 1P20GM130454. If you use the pipeline in your own work, please acknowledge the pipeline by citing the grant number in your manuscript.