This library provides PHP implementation of client for DataBreakers DataAPI.
Library requires PHP version 5.4 (or higher) and Guzzle.
The best way to install it is using the Composer:
$ composer require databreakers/php-data-api-client
use DataBreakers\DataApi;
// Create a new instance of Client and provide your credentials
$client = new DataApi\Client('yourAccountId', 'yourSecretKey');
// Define items attributes (do this only when items attributes aren't defined in recommender yet)
$client->addItemsAttribute('title', DataApi\DataType::TEXT, 'en', DataApi\MetaType::TITLE);
$client->addItemsAttribute('color', DataApi\DataType::TEXT, 'en');
$client->addItemsAttribute('weight', DataApi\DataType::INTEGER);
// Add some items (if you are adding multiple items, users or interactions it's much faster to use batches)
$itemsBatch = (new DataApi\Batch\EntitiesBatch())
->addEntity('fridgeId', [
'title' => 'Fridge',
'color' => 'white',
'weight' => 55
->addEntity('carId', [
'title' => 'Car',
'color' => 'blue',
'weight' => 1547
// Define users attributes (do this only when users attributes aren't defined in recommender yet)
$client->addUsersAttribute('name', DataApi\DataType::TEXT, 'en', DataApi\MetaType::TITLE);
$client->addUsersAttribute('age', DataApi\DataType::INTEGER);
// Add some users
$usersBatch = (new DataApi\Batch\EntitiesBatch())
->addEntity('johnId', [
'name' => 'John Smith',
'age' => 35
->addEntity('sophiaId', [
'name' => 'Sophia White',
'age' => 27
// Add interactions between users and items
$interactionsBatch = (new DataApi\Batch\InteractionsBatch())
->addInteraction('johnId', 'carId', 'Like')
->addInteraction('johnId', 'carId', 'Purchase')
->addInteraction('johnId', 'fridgeId', 'Dislike')
->addInteraction('sophiaId', 'carId', 'Detail view')
->addInteraction('sophiaId', 'fridgeId', 'Purchase');
// And finally obtain ten recommendations for Sophia and car item!
$recommendations = $client->getRecommendations('sophiaId', 'carId', 10);
// If you want to send more recommendation requests at once, you can use recommendations batch
$batchRecommendations = $client->getRecommendationsBatch((new DataApi\Batch\RecommendationsBatch())
->requestRecommendations('req1', 10, 'johnId', 'fridgeId', 20)
->requestRecommendationsForUser('req2', 5, 'sophiaId', 15)
->requestRecommendationsForItem('req3', 1, 'fridgeId', 10)
DataBreakers – we are your data sense