CM10 for Droid Incredible devices with malfunctioning internal memory (/dev/block/mmcblk0).
To use this device tree you must have an SD card partitioned with the following layout which will be used in place of the internal SD card:
/dev/block/mmcblk1p1 = /sdcard (FAT32 data)
/dev/block/mmcblk1p2 = /data (ext3)
/dev/block/mmcblk1p3 = /cache (ext3)
This device tree is based on PonsAsinorem's work and is mostly unchanged. I highly recommend you stick with his branch as this branch may not have the latest changes merged and is intended to workaround a limitation that very few users will encounter (partial device failure).
Furthermore, I'm a complete n00b when it comes to Linux/Android development, git, and open source coding practices and standards. So please take that into consideration before implementing any of this code in your own solution as this was intended primarily as a learning exercise. The code is only provided here in hopes that I may be able to get help from the community in the event that I'm unable to make this work on my own.
Please refer to this xda-developers discussion for more information regarding the original Droid Incredible device tree this is based on.
Setup Linux/OS X - Please note: it must be sun-java-6, not openjdk
mkdir ~/cm10
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/cm10/
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
repo init -u git:// -b jellybean
wget -O .repo/local_manifest.xml
cd ~/cm10
repo sync -j16
NOTE: This WILL take a long time.
Make sure we're in ~/cm10...
cd ~/cm10
Pull in the prebuilts, like (currently only self-added GooManager)...
And build!
. build/ && time brunch inc