Mixing colors using different blending modes with C#
This is a Color Blending library that implements all the blending modes introduced in the W3C Compositing and Blending spec
This library provides an implementation for all blend modes listed in the W3C document, such as:
Color Dodge
Color Burn
Hard Light
Soft Light
Build-in support for commonly used color types: Unit Rgb, Rgb, Hsl, Hex and Color from System.Drawing assembly.
It is a higher precision form of RGB
color that uses decimal
All the inner blending calculations are performed in this form of a color.
The Red
, Green
, Blue
and Alpha
channels are represented by a fractional value between 0 and 1.
The Red
, Green
and Blue
channels are represented by a fractional value between 0 and 255.
The Alpha
channel is represented by a fractional value between 0 and 1.
Default Color Struct from System.Drawing assembly
The Hue
channel is represented by a fractional value between 0 and 360.
The Saturation
and Luminosity
channels are represented by a fractional value between 0 and 100.
The Alpha
channel is represented by a fractional value between 0 and 1.
The Red
, Green
, Blue
and Alpha
channels are represented by a hexadecimal form of a String
between "00" and "ff".
Class constructor supports any form of a Hex color, such as it's short form #rgb
, and full forms with leading or trailing Alpha channel (#aarrggbb
and #rrggbbaa
) with an optional #
The Hex Object also can be represented as a String
with all the forms described above.
using ColorBlender;
static void Main(string[] args)
var hex = new HEX("#bbccdd");
var anotherHex = new HEX("bbccdd");
var ahex = new HEX("#aabbccdd", EHEXFormat.AHEX);
var hexa = new HEX("#bbccddaa", EHEXFormat.HEXA);
var shortHex = new HEX("#abc");
var userHex = new HEX("bb", "cc", "dd", "aa");
var resultHexAOpt = hex.ToString(EHEXOutputFormat.HEXAOpt, EHashSignFormat.Visible); // Result: "#bbccdd"
var resultOptAHex = hex.ToString(EHEXOutputFormat.OptAHEX, EHashSignFormat.Hidden); // Result: "bbccdd"
var resultHexAConst = hex.ToString(EHEXOutputFormat.HEXAConst, EHashSignFormat.Visible); // Result: "#bbccddff"
var resultConstAHex = hex.ToString(EHEXOutputFormat.ConstAHEX, EHashSignFormat.Hidden); // Result: "ffbbccdd"
Built-in converter for all the color types described above, with an optional output rounding.
using ColorBlender;
private readonly IColorConverterService _colorConverterService = new ColorConverterService();
static void Main(string[] args)
var rgb = new RGB(211, 107, 184, 0.94);
// Conversion
var resultRgb = _colorConverterService.ToRgb(rgb); // Result: new RGB(211, 107, 184, 0.94);
var resultHex = _colorConverterService.ToHex(rgb); // Result: new HEX("d3", "6b", "b8", "ef")
var resultHsl = _colorConverterService.ToHsl(rgb); // Result: new HSL(315, 54, 62, 0.94)
var resultColor = _colorConverterService.ToColor(rgb); // Result: new Color(211, 107, 184, 240) *;
// Conversion with rounding (Input Color, Rounding, Number of decimal places in the return value)
var resultUrgb = _colorConverterService.ToURgb(rgb, true, 5); // Result: new URGB(0.82645, 0.41961, 0.72157, 0.94);
This is not a proper way to create a system color. It is used here in this form only to display the result.
Create an instance of the ColorBlenderService
and use it blend your colors.
The result of the blending will be returned as an Object of a Uniform Color
type, that can be further represented as any color type you want. See the example bellow.
using ColorBlender;
private readonly IColorBlenderService _colorBlenderService = new ColorBlenderService();
static void Main(string[] args)
var background = new RGB(105, 151, 206, 0.8);
var foreground = new RGB(247, 92, 177, 0.7);
RGB resultRgb = _colorBlenderService.Normal(background, foreground).ToRgb(); // Result: new RGB(211, 107, 184, 0.94);
HEX resultHex = _colorBlenderService.Normal(background, foreground).ToHex(); // Result: new HEX("d3", "6b", "b8", "ef");
HSL resultHsl = _colorBlenderService.Normal(background, foreground).ToHsl(); // Result: new HSL(315, 54, 62, 0.94);
Color resultColor = _colorBlenderService.Normal(background, foreground).ToColor(); // Result: new Color(211, 107, 184, 240) *;
// Rounding the output value to 5 decimal places in the return value.
URGB resultURgb = _colorBlenderService.Normal(background, foreground).ToUrgb(true, 5); // Result: new URGB(0.82645, 0.41986, 0.72315, 0.94);
This is not a proper way to create a system color. It is used here in this form only to display the result.
- Powered by .NET Standard 2.0
- Adobe Photoshop uses slightly different algorithm and rounding to perform color blending, which means that you won't get an identical result.
- May contain bugs. Please submit an issue if you find any.
Many thanks to:
- Florian Reuschel and his color-blend JavaScript library for inspiration.
- Artyom Gritsuk and his ColorHelper C# color converter library. I have been messing around with HSL conversion for a long time until I peeked into his code.
- FlatIcon for package icon.