I developed an Electron application to streamline working with spreadsheets. This app simplifies the process of adding and managing values, making it more efficient and user-friendly. By automating repetitive tasks, it saves time and reduces errors, providing a seamless experience for handling spreadsheet data.
The sheet must exist with the correct title in the month and year format (MMM/YY).
Days column format as DD/MM
The header must be exactly as demonstrated above: - DIAS - HORÁRIO INÍCIO - HORÁRIO DE TÉRMINO - HORAS TRABALHADAS
$ npm run dev
# For windows
$ npm run build:win
# For macOS
$ npm run build:mac
# For Linux
$ npm run build:linux
Visit Google Cloud Console.
- Click on APIs & Services in the left-hand menu.
- Go to Credentials
- Click on Manage service accounts
- Click Create Service Account
- Enter a description, assing the Owner role, then Continue and Done
- Locate the newly created service account.
- Click Actions > Manage keys
- Click Add Key > Create new Key
- Select JSON and click Create
- The JSON key file will be downloaded to your computer. Store it securely.
- Open the app
- Click on Config
- The client email and private key are located in the previously downloaded JSON file from Google. (Use the values without the quotation marks.)
- The ID is located in the Google Sheet URL after the d/ and before the next /.
- Click on save
- If all steps are completed successfully, the view will enable the action buttons and display the total working time for the current month.