This reposity will contain the controller, actkbd
configuration file, and a template for a systemd service file for actkbd
Suggested use with an external usb keypad.
#Some commands used for setting up; incomplete and in no particular order
set -e
# Input group, reboot for effects
sudo groupadd -f input
sudo gpasswd -a $USER input
# Copy udev rules for input group
echo TODO
# Build controller
cd ./controller/
cargo build --release
cd ..
# Install to ~/etc/macros/
mkdir -p ~/etc/macros
cp ./controller/target/release/controller ~/etc/macros/controller
echo TODO: Copy specific service file
echo TODO: Copy specific actkbd.conf file
cd ~/etc/macros
mkdir -p ./by-exe
# Link actkbd.service
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
ln -s ${PWD}/actkbd.service ~/.config/systemd/user/actkbd.service
# Start service
systemctl --user enable actkbd.service
systemctl --user start actkbd.service