Cocktail Creations is a project created by students for their portfolio that allows users to create
their own cocktails by adding their own ingredients.
The project also includes a database of ready-made cocktails and the ingredients needed to make them.
Users can register, add cocktails to their account, and create their own unique drinks.
- 🍸 Creating custom cocktails with individual ingredients.
- 🗄 A database of ready-made recipes and ingredients.
- 👤 User registration and authentication.
- 🔄 Ability to update user data.
The project is built using the following technologies and libraries:
- React
- Vite
- Emotion
- Material-UI
- Redux Toolkit
- Axios
- Formik and Yup
- React Router
- Redux Persist
- Styled Components
- Vite Plugin SVGR
- Modern Normalize