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<oe-data-table> is a component for displaying data in tabular format. It is a Polymer component styled with Material Design Data Table Standards. It can be used to add, edit and delete data in a model which has a embedded/hasMany relation. Also to display the entries in a model

The data to be shown is set to items and columns to show is set to columns.

Property Description
showAccordian To display accordian view in each row
accordianElement Component name to be displayed in accordian expanded view
disableConfigEditor If set to true, config editor would be disabled
maxHeaderHeight Set height of the header (in px)
showEditOptions To display edit options in header toolbar

Defining Columns

The column(s) to show in the table can be configured using the columns property. The columns property takes an array of objects which can have the following properties.

Column property Description
key The key of the row to get data from.
label The string to be shown in column header.
type The type of the content that is shown in the column. For example date, timestamp, number, string.
uitype (Deprecated. use type) The type of the content that is shown in the column. For example date, timestamp.
uiType The input control that has to be used for inline editing.
readOnly Boolean flag denoting whether the column is non editable in inline mode , by default it is false.
width Width of the column in px.
minWidth Min Width of the column in px, by default grid level min width will be taken.
alignment Alignment of the cell content , can have left,right or center .
sort Sort order of the current column. Takes either asc or desc.
firstToSort Whether to sort first by desc or asc, by default it is asc.
formatter A custom formatting function which returns the value to show in the cell.
renderer A custom rendering function which returns the element to show in the cell.
href Takes an express styled path and shows the cell content as a hyperlink with the provided path. For example, href="/models/customer/:id".
cellClass Class to apply on data table cell
cellClassRules Object having class name to be applied as key and an expression to evaluate as value
valueGetter A custom getter function which returns a value for the property specified in the key.
hidden Column will be hidden if it is set to true.
autoFit table height should be set by user when this property is true.


<oe-data-table> provides the following custom properties and mixins for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--oe-data-table Mixin to be applied to whole table {}
--oe-data-table-header Mixin to be applied to the table header {}
--oe-data-table-header-title Mixin to be applied to the table header title {}
--oe-data-table-row Mixin to be applied to the table row {}
--oe-data-table-row-selected Mixiin to be applied to the table row when selected {}
--oe-data-table-row-hover Mixin to be applied to the table row on hover {}
--oe-data-table-row-first Mixin to be applied to the first row of the table {}
--oe-data-table-row-last Mixin to be applied to the last row of the table {}
--oe-data-table-data Mixin to be applied to the table cell {}
--oe-data-table-column-first Mixin to be applied to the first column {}
--oe-data-table-column-last Mixin to be applied to the last column {}
--oe-data-table-selection-cell-content Mixiin to be applied to the selection cell content if provided {}
--oe-data-table-row-action Mixin applied to the row action icon buttons {}
--oe-data-table-data Mixin to be applied to table-data class to set min-height {}
--oe-data-table-selection-checkbox Mixin to be applied to table selection checkbox {}
--edit-control Mixin applied to set the height of edit cell {}