BentoDS is a simple IdP Discovery Service (SAML).
- support source data generated by Jagger
- support for DiscoFeed
compass (can be installed with gem)
gem install compass
recomended to install grunt, grunt-cli, bower globally
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli bower
- copy config-tmp.json to ngDS.json
- modify ngDS.json
title : title header
logo : filename with you logo - copy you logo into app/img/
basehref : URI of your service - for example if you plan to set you DiscoveryService as you need to set '/WAYF/' - remember about slashes
srcidplist : working URL source like:
- of you Jagger instance's controller https://HOST/JAGGER_APP/disco/circle/
- shibboleth DiscoFeed URL
srcdataapp :
- 'jagger'
- 'discofeed'
srcidpmethod :
- 'GET'
srcidplistfallback : optional location of data - needs to be the same format as generated from srcidplist
srcdataappfallback : keep as it is 'jagger'
srcidpmethodfallback : 'GET'
srcrequesterinfo : url to retrieve info about SP from jagger
xdomainproxyurl : to get IE9 working properly you need to create proxy.html file somewhere on virtualhost where you want to retrieve data from. The proxy.html should look like:
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <script src="xdomain.min.js" master="*"></script>
xdomain js can be pulled from
go to you application directory
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build
it will generate final files into dist directory
Then you need to configure you apache to point to this Directory
- add suport to Shibboleth DiscoFeed
- more ...