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Railway Oriented programming Library

This code does references the post Railway oriented programming based on Scott Wlaschin Idea of handling errors in a more functional way.

NetMentor.ROP build result

Railway oriented programming en NUGET

Pacakge in nuget .NET Standard .NET
Netmentor.ROP 2.1 8.0
Netmentor.ROP.ApiExtensions 2.1 8.0
Netmentor.ROP.ApiExtensions.Translations 2.1 8.0

What is each package

  • Netmentor.ROP: Implementation of the Result<T> structure.
  • Netmentor.ROP.ApiExtensions: Provides ToActionResult<T> that converts Result<T> into IActionResult.
  • Netmentor.ROP.ApiExtensions.Translations: Provides the ability to use your .resx files for your error messages for multiple languages.

Implement Railway Oriented programming into your application

You can find the Result<T> structure in Nexus, including the package Netmentor.Rop".

The Result type is an immutable type that allows you to store success or errors, not both at the same time. It makes no sense to have errors where the result was a success or vice versa.

And Result is immutable because to mutate it, you have to use the framework built around it. For this reason, you have to use the extension methods available. If you feel like you need something else, please create a PR for it.

  • Note 1: Remember that void is not a Type in C#, and we don't like non-typed stuff. For that reason, if in any method you feel that you don't want to return a type, you have to use the type called Unit, which is standard in the functional world.
  • Note 2: We designed the framework to support both async and sync workflows.

The Result structure contains three properties

  1. T The value, populated if there are no errors.
  2. ImmutableArray<Error> Array of errors, empty if none.
  3. Success Boolean indicates if the result is in a success status (no errors).

Return a Result<T>

To return a Result<T>, you only need to have your method return a Result<T> and a custom implicit operator will do the rest.

So, for example, if you want to return an int, you will normally do something like:

public int GetMyInt(){
  return 1;

Thanks to the implicit operator, you can do pretty much the same, change the return type

public Result<int> GetMyInt()
  return 1;

Unfortunately, it is slightly different when you are returning Task<Result<T>>; If you have any await in the code, it is fine. but if you don't, you have to specify Success().Async() when returning the value:

public Task<Result<int>> GetMyInt()
  return 1.Success().Async();

This is because we cannot have implicit task operators.

Use case

If we apply this logic into our use case, we can have the validation method looking like this:

private Result<bool> ValidateNewAccount(Account account)
  return true;

Return an error

We just saw how to return something that works, but what if something fails? We have to return an error. For this, we will use Result.Failure<T>("error"). Modify the method to see the example:

private Result<Account> ValidateNewAccount(Account account)
    return Result.Failure<Account>("first name must be populated")
    return Result.Failure<Account>("Last name must be populated")
  return account;

As you can see, you check every one of them and, if any fails, returns a "failure", which, if you remember our previous images, will move the flow to the "non-happy" path.

  • Note: if you need to return all the errors, you can make a List<Errors> and a return like the next: return Result.Failure<bool>(listOferrors);

Calling the second method

We have just seen what our method look like, but how do we call and link the second one?

We have to understand the Result as a chain, which means that one response is linked to the following input.

To accomplish the "call" to the next method we use the extension method called .Bind:

public Result<bool> BasicAccountCreation(Account account)
   return ValidateNewAccount(account)

Bind is using a delegate Func<T, Result<U>> to receive the method as a parameter.

This also means that you can modify the input. Just imagine that ValidateNewAccount returns a bool, but you don't require the bool because you need the user to save the user. in this case, you can use a lambda expression to discard the result and pass the account:

return ValidateNewAccount(account)
    .Bind(_ => SaveUser(account))

Also, in our case, SaveUser will be Async as it is storing information in the database. For that reason, we must convert our chain to Async:

public async Task<Result<bool>> BasicAccountCreation(Account account)
   return await ValidateNewAccount(account)
    .Async() //<- this line here

Implementing the second method

I mentioned before that the output of the first method is the input for the second. This is true, but not entirely, as our method returns Result<T> in our input. We don't want to use Result. We only need T.

And that is how it works. Our SaveUser method will be something like the following.

private async Task<Result<string>> SaveUser(Account account)
  return await _dependency.SaveUser(account)
//This will be the implementation of the third method.
private async Task<Result<bool>> SendCode(string email)
    return await _dependencies.SendEmail(email);

Everything related to Result is managed by the library automatically.

How Bind works internally

The following example is only for Bind, but all the extension methods have the same pattern.

public static Result<U> Bind<T, U>(this Result<T> r, Func<T, Result<U>> method)
        return r.Success
            ? method(r.Value)
            : Result.Failure<U>(r.Errors, r.HttpStatusCode);
    catch (Exception e)

As you can see is an extension method of Result<T> which checks if it is a success;

  • If it is a success, execute the method
  • If it is not a success, it returns the failure errors. (sidenote: we will explain the "StatusCode" later).

Also, don't forget that you can have chains inside chains.

Usage of the Library

As mention, I designed the library to cover all the use cases I use it for, but it could be more, do not heasitate and create a PR!

These are the extension methods you can use in your chain.


Allows you to link two methods. Example:

return ValidateNewAccount(account)


The Fallback method is executed when the previous method has a failure response.


return ValidateNewAccount(account)
  .Bind(SaveUser) //<- Assuming this fails
  .Fallback(SaveInAnotherDatabase) //<- then this is executed if it didnt failed, it does not get executed.


Allows you to combine two different responses

return ValidateNewAccount(account)

In this case, AnotherMethod will receive the response of both previous methods in a tuple.


Sometimes, the use case will contain certain logic, this logic may not affect the rest of the use case. If that is the case, you can use .Ignore() and it will convert your Result<T> into Result<Unit>.

Result<Unit> result = ValidateNewAccount(account)


Allow us to specify a method which is not returning a Result<T> into the chain. A mapper will be the most common usecase.

Result<NetMentorAccount> result = ValidateNewAccount(account)
  .Map(_dependency.MapToNetmentor); //<- being this something like IMapper<Account, NetMentorAccount>


Instead of using a delegate Func<T, Result<U>> in this case uses an Action<T> which means that the result of this then will be ignored.

Result<Unit> result = ValidateNewAccount(account)

The use case will be similar to a fire&Forget.


It will return to you the actual value of T if it is in a success status, but if is not success, it will throw a ErrorResultException with the errors as message on the exception.

NetMentorAccount result = ValidateNewAccount(account)

You will not need to call this in 99.9% of the use case.


Converts a list of IEnumerable<Result<T>> into Result<List<T>>

Result<List<NetMentorAccount>> result = GetUsersByIds(arrayIds) //<- assuing GetUsersByIds returns List<Result<T>>


In most of our use cases, we return the information using an API, and it is not always the same status code, so for that reason, we allow to change this status code when the chain is a success.

Result<ValidationResult> result = ValidateNewAccount(account)

If you don't specify any status code, it will be HttpStatusCode.OK (200).

But as mentioned, this only matters if you are using API.

The Error type

For the errors, we also created a type. This type contains three properties.

  • ErorMessage allows you to introduce a message for the errors.
  • ErrorCode Code set by you in your application which references the error.

To create the errors you have to use the factory method: Error Create(string message, Guid? errorCode = null).

But when you do Result.Failure<T>("errorMessage") it creates the error automatically.

Error status codes

As there is a possibility with UseSuccessHttpStatusCode of setting up a success status code, there is also a way to set up a failure status code.

If you remember, when we create an error, we do it with Result.Failure<T>(Error) this generates a status code of HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity (422)

But what if you want another error code?

At the moment we support 3 additional Error codes

  • HttpStatusCode.BadRequest (400)
  • HttpStatusCode.NotFound (404)
  • HttpStatusCode.Conflict (409)

Response from an API

As we mentioned, most of our use cases are API calls, which means we have to return this information from an API.

To achieve this goal first of all you have to install the package Common.API from nexus.

You have to call the extension method ToActionResult, which will automatically translate the struct into the IActionResult.

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateNewAccount(Account account)
  return await _useCase.Execute(account)

If Result is a success, it will return the status code set with UseSuccessHttpStatusCode (or the default 422 if not set), and if the Result is not successful, it will return the one set when you specified the error.


During the execution of .ToActionResult() result gets converted into a Data Transfer Object (Dto) for that reason it returns a ResultDto.

  • Note: We mainly did it due to serialisation issues with immutable classes in C#.


if what you are looking for is convert any non success Status Code into a ProblemDetails object you can do it with .ToResultOrProblemDetails:

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateNewAccount(Account account)
  return await _useCase.Execute(account)

This will return either T for any successful response or ProblemDetails with the Status property as the Statuscode and a property called Errors that contains a list of errors:

  "value": {
    "title": "Error(s) found",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "One or more errors occurred",
    "validationErrors": [
        "message": "example message",
        "errorCode": "0b002212-4e6b-4561-96f7-8a06dbc65ac3",
        "translationVariables": null
  "formatters": [],
  "contentTypes": [],
  "declaredType": null,
  "statusCode": 400

Error Translations

The library can be extended with ROP.ApiExtensions.Translations to provide an out of the box functionality to translate errors at serialization time.

You need to create a resource per language you want to support and an empty class with the same name. Then If there is an error to be returned in your API it will translate it automatically IF the message was left blank.

For example If you Create an error like the following:

return Result.Failure(Guid.Parse("ce6887fb-f8fa-49b7-bcb4-d8538b6c9932")).ToActionResult()

It will look for that guid in the translation file and show the message field as this exampole:

    "value": null,
    "errors": [
            "ErrorCode": "ce6887fb-f8fa-49b7-bcb4-d8538b6c9932",
            "Message": "Example message"
    "success": false

Error Translations with variables

The messages in the translations support variables on the messages using standard C# string format.

For example a message like example variable1: {0}, variable2: {2} will replace {x} for the variables you assign on the error creation.

To accomplish the expected result, all the failure creation messages that support the ErrorCode have an optional parameter that accpets an array of string (string[]) which should match the number of variables in the string message, example:

Result.NotFound("Guid-NOT-found", new []{"identifier1"}); // "The id {0} cannot be found"
-> "The id identifier1 cannot be found"

Note: If the TranslationVariables is empty the library will not try to format the string message.

Add the custom serializer.

You can add it manually with the next command:

services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options => 
    options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new ErrorDtoSerializer<TranslationFile>(httpContextAccessor)));

But alternatively you can use the following one:

services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options =>
} );

You can find more information in My blog in spanish.


Tuples in C# are a powerful type that allows you to return more than one value in a single response.

They are very useful for us when developing using ROP. because It allows us to query a value and propagate the input with the new value. for example in the next scenario:

Result<Unit> result = ValidateNewAccount(account)
  .Bind(GetManagerEmail)  //<- new method

Here, we see a new method called GetManagerEmail which basically will check the user ManagerID and get its email; this could be useful to specify in the sendCode an email to contact if something does not work.

The implementation of GetManagerEmail will look like the next.

private async Task<Result<(string, string)>> GetManagerEmail(Account account){
  string managerEmail = await _dependencies.GetManagerEmail(account.ManagerId);
  return (account.Email, managerEmail)

As you can see, we are returning a tuple into the method, which converts automatically into Result<T> being T the tuple (Account, string).

Then in the following method, you have to receive the tuple. Tuples are a type, not two different types, so that they will be together. There is nothing mandatory here, but normally is easy to identify if you call them in the parameters as args

//This will be the implementation of the third method.
private async Task<Result<bool>> SendCode((string, string) args)
    return await _dependencies.SendEmailWithManagerReference(args.Item1, args.Item2);

You also have the option to name the tuples SendCode((string UserEmail, string ManagerEmail) args), and then you will access with args.UserEmail and args.ManagerEmail.

Issues and contributing

Please do not hesitate in adding some issue or contribute in the code.


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