Tooling to speed up open-autonomy development.
For detailed instructions please see the Docs.
# install
pip install autonomy-dev[all]
- Python >= 3.11
pip install autonomy-dev[all]
# create a repo & a simple webserver agent
adev repo scaffold fun_new_hack
cd fun_new_hack
adev create author/cool_agent --template eightballer/frontend_agent
# sync to the local registry. [Optional]
yes 'third_party' | autonomy packages lock
# run the agent and verify the endpoint
There are a number of useful command tools available.
Dev Tooling: A). linting
adev lint
B). formattingadev fmt
C). dependency managementadev deps update
Scaffolding: Tooling to auto generate repositories and components.
- Templated agents for speedy proof of concept and getting started fast.
We provide tools to generate protocols components from specs.
adev create author/tmp_agent_name -t eightballer/base --force
cd tmp_agent_name
adev scaffold protocol ../specs/protocols/balances.yaml
aea -s publish --push-missing
Starting Auto Dev v0.2.75 ...
Using 32 processes for processing
Setting log level to INFO
Creating agent tmp_agent_name from template eightballer/base
Executing command: ['poetry', 'run', 'autonomy', 'fetch', 'bafybeidohldv57m3jkc33zpgbxukaushmcibmt4ncnsnomd3pvpocxs3ui', '--alias', 'tmp_agent_name']
Command executed successfully.
Agent tmp_agent_name created successfully.
Starting Auto Dev v0.2.75 ...
Using 32 processes for processing
Setting log level to INFO
Read protocol specification: ../specs/protocols/balances.yaml
protolint version 0.50.0(d6a3250)
protolint version 0.50.0(d6a3250)
Updated: /home/eight/Projects/StationsStation/repos/capitalisation_station/tmp_agent_name/protocols/balances/
New protocol scaffolded at /home/eight/Projects/StationsStation/repos/capitalisation_station/tmp_agent_name/protocols/balances
# Tests can be run as well;
adev test -p packages/eightballer/protocols/balances
Testing path: `packages/eightballer/protocols/balances/` ⌛
Testing... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0% -:--:--👌 - packages/eightballer/protocols/balances/
Testing... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:02
Testing completed successfully! ✅
We provide tools to scaffold smart contract components from existing deployed contracts. The scaffolding process includes:
- Complete open-aea contract component
- Contract class with auto-generated methods
- Test suite scaffolding
- Type hints and documentation
Basic usage:
adev scaffold contract <NAME> --address <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --network <NETWORK_NAME>
Example using Base:
# Scaffold USDC contract from Base
adev scaffold contract usdc \
--address 0x833589fcd6edb6e08f4c7c32d4f71b54bda02913 \
--network base
Additional options:
# Scaffold from local ABI file
adev scaffold contract my_contract \
--address 0xContract_Address \
--from-abi ./path/to/abi.json \
--network ethereum-mainnet
# Specify read/write functions
adev scaffold contract my_contract \
--address 0xContract_Address \
--read-functions "balanceOf,totalSupply" \
--write-functions "transfer,approve" \
--network polygon-mainnet
checkout main
git pull
adev release
<!-- Pytest Coverage Comment:Begin -->
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
auto_dev/ 0 0 100%
auto_dev/ 60 19 68% 66-88
auto_dev/ 236 236 0% 28-452
auto_dev/ 4 1 75% 9
auto_dev/ 68 36 47% 33-61, 79, 83, 87-89, 92-94, 99-105
auto_dev/ 25 0 100%
auto_dev/ 36 0 100%
auto_dev/ 5 0 100%
auto_dev/ 59 43 27% 16-17, 21-22, 27-45, 50, 60-61, 66-80, 85-97, 102-112
auto_dev/ 7 3 57% 13-27
auto_dev/ 52 32 38% 32-33, 37-54, 58-95
auto_dev/ 16 13 19% 4, 16-39
auto_dev/ 251 153 39% 76-77, 81, 94-101, 106-151, 167, 180-185, 204-228, 233, 240-242, 247, 252, 257-269, 276-281, 290-293, 298-318, 323-337, 342-348, 370-372, 381, 388-416
TOTAL 819 536 35%
<!-- Pytest Coverage Comment:End -->
To run and preview the documentation locally:
# Install mkdocs and required dependencies
pip install mkdocs-material mkdocstrings[python] mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin
# Serve the documentation (available at
mkdocs serve
This will start a local server and automatically reload when you make changes to the documentation.