This program contains a few integrators, able to compute more or less precisely the solution of an N-Body problem.
The program arguments should be :
nBodyProblem [options] initFile [outputFile]
The initFile
contains the presets of the simultation, it has to be specified. The outputFile
will contains the trajectories of the bodies, its default value is out.csv
. If it already exists the program will continue the computation from the end of this file.
The program options are the following :
Uses the explicit Euler integrator-t
Uses a 4-order Taylor serie--symplectic4
Uses a 4-order symplectic integrator-s
Uses a 6-order symplectic integrator-e
Corrects the energy of the system-o
The output file will be overwritten
The default integrator running is the classic 4-order Runge-Kutta method
The file containing the simulation informations should have the following format :
Where outputStepRatio
indicates the ratio between the outputed step number and the computed step number. One step out of this much will be recorded in the file. The default value of this is 100. G
is the gravitational constant used, its default value is 1, adjust depending on the units used. These two arguments are then optional. Try to choose the units so the system dimensions are as close as possible to 10^0.
The output file will have the following format :
t,x1,y1,z1,vx1,vy1,vz1 ... ,xn,yn,zn,vxn,vyn,vzn
and maxSpeed
gives the maximum intensity of each vectors, it can be used to quickly determine the system dimensions