This project is developing a software plattform for festival guests and organizer, called "FestivalsApp".
A starting point • Engage • About • Credits • Licensing • Website
Most of the documents on GitHub are aimed at developers and people familar with programming, but i try to be as inclusive as possible. As i plan on using GitHub to collect and manage feature requests, bug reports and project resources, in short, almost everything regarding this project, i encourage everyone who wants to engage in this project to make yourself familar on how to use GitHub. There are guides on the internet that can help you with that, for example What Is GitHub? A Beginner’s Introduction to GitHub. And GitHub is providing some detailed guides on how to use it, for example Creating an issue. I plan to add a more non-developer focused way to get to know the project, possibly at the apps website.
I welcome you to browse the repositories and dig your way through all the parts and pieces but as this project consists of so many components i would recommend you to first read the ARCHITECTURE document to get a better understanding of how this project works. For more detail on a specific component you can go to its repository and every project has a development and a deployment section in the projects README file, explaining more detailed how to develop and deploy the given component.
As every component and process of this project is open source, you can theoretically engage in every aspect of it. Though there are some practical limitations to that openness, for example i cannot give access to things like infrastructure and accounts to people i don't know, but you are free to propose things to be opened more if you think you have good arguments for that.
From people who want to engage i expect fairness and self-reliance, as i am not the coordinator for what you want to contribute to the project, and i advise you to think twice if you want to be part of a project where everyone has the same rights and obligations, as we need to find a way to make that work for both of us and everyone involved. I also would advise you to start with smaller contributions, if you want to completely redesign a whole aspect of the project there are so many things to consider, i would likely need half a year to reply to your request. However, i will always try to help you within the scope of my ability and time to utilize portions of the project to realize your ideas.
See the ENGAGING document for more information.
The app is an experiment as it is financed only by donations and tries to avoid some behaviors and practices of other apps: it does not collect any user data or display advertising. Not only does the app reject some common practices it also tries to do things better, for example better transparency, from an radical open source approach down to the operating costs and donation revenues.
I want to expand the idea and practice of who is a stakeholder in this project. For me everyone who uses the app or is impacted by it should have as much saying in the future development of the app as i have as the developer. I deeply believe that the best app is an app that everyone agreed upon, and i am eager to hear about your visions for the FestivalsApp. I'm especially happy to hear Woman, LGBTQ+ and Black/BIPOC voices as well as voices from people with disabilities.
My name is Simon and i'm a Berlin based developer, work at the Humboldt-Universität as IT-support, and study area studies Asia/Africa. At the moment i'm the sole developer of this project but i'm excited for people to join :)
Unfinished list of friends who helped me: Niklas, Dennis, Fabia, Marion, Anna, Luisa, Johanna, Jacque, Paul, Gregor, Dana
A lot more credits will follow...
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Simon Gaus.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.