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Processing: Guard
This ran with empty data which crashed ``` db | 2024-11-18 16:24:38.343 GMT [2564197] ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 439 db | 2024-11-18 16:24:38.343 GMT [2564197] STATEMENT: CREATE FUNCTION public."atlas_export_flatgeobuf_poiclassification"(region Geometry(Polygon)) db | RETURNS BYTEA db | LANGUAGE plpgsql db | AS $$ db | DECLARE db | fgb BYTEA; db | BEGIN db | SELECT ST_AsFlatGeobuf(q, false, 'geom') INTO fgb FROM ( db | SELECT st_transform(geom, 4326) AS geom, db | id, db | osm_id, db | osm_type::text, db | , db | db | FROM "poiClassification" db | WHERE geom && ST_Transform(region, 3857) AND minzoom > -1 db | ) q; db | RETURN fgb; db | END; db | $$; db | 2024-11-19 09:15:43.994 GMT [2649964] ERROR: syntax error at or near "," at character 439 ```
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