Py-Merger: Excel tool to smartly merge sheets (latest release)
β’ Clean/Optimized UI
β’ Hints at button hovering
β’ 1-click file access
β’ Resizable UI
β’ First import your excel files (multiple selection is allowed), all sheets of the imported files are automatically placed in the right column.
β’ Choose your base i.e. the sheet whose data needs to be updated but which will serve as a template (the order of the columns will be copied).
β’ Add your updates (as many as you want in chronological order of preference) they will be displayed in green.
β’ Finally click on "Merge" and the magic happens: a window asks you to save as, then choose the name and the finished file is created!
β’ Original file (base):
β’ Updates files (updates):
β’ Output file:
β’ The name of the columns must be in the first line in each worksheet.
-> Possible solution: add a selector to choose the right title line.
β’ The structure of the worksheet should be as follows: first column identifier, next columns characteristics specific to the identifier.
-> Possible solution: add a selector to choose the right identifier column.
Please enjoy my work and do not hesitate to send me your feedback