This was two weeks long project during part-time immersive bootcamp. The main objective was to learn completely new programming language, first programming language was JavaScript, and create application
You can access this gRPC-chat server via:
go run ./client/client.go <username>
When you cloned the project to local directory make sure to download libraries.
- It must be a language you have never used before
- No visual languages
- TypeScript is not allowed (JavaScript is first language)
- A demo of your app that compiles is mandatory
- Show some of the source code
- Explain the strengths of the new language
- Describe what types of projects it is best suited for
- Compare your new language with JavaScript!
- Share challenges you experienced while learning the new language
- Test coverage!
- Have both frontend and backend in the new language.
My interest lies on backend and infrastructure side as well as lower layer. Since C and C++ were not allowed to select. I decided to learn golang because I wanted to learn and build application using micro-service as well as get experience in using pointer (lower-level stuff).
I created docker-compose.yml to setup environment. If you have Docker Desktop installed all you need to do is start container to start server and run client application.
Create project folder and run following command:
git clone
In root directory of the project folder:
docker-compose up
If you see, "Started Listening to server...," server is up and ready.
From root project folder, cd into client directory and run the main.go
cd client
go run client.go
Then, enter your username and start talking. You need to say something to start receiving message from other clients.
Open another terminal and run client application. Yay there should be messages between clients routed by the server.
In the client side app, input following !exit to quit client application. I have not implemented my code to hand Ctrl + C (Termination Signal) yet. This is something I will keep on working. If you have any suggestions, please kindly reach out.