This is an Open-Source Software for Binarized-Octree Mesh Generation around Immersed Geometries.
The main goal is to generate octrees for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) of Cartesian domains with immersed complex geometries.
- MPI parallelization
- User-friendly interface
- Geometry encoding
rebl-AMR provides which can be used to automatically configure the code for Stampede2 (, Comet ( and Bridges ( clusters
rebl-AMR requires the following libraries
- MPI (MPI 3.0 standard compliant version)
- Zoltan
- ParMetis
- HDF5
rebl-AMR uses CMakeLists.txt and CMakeModules folder to detect the library paths.
These two components are crucial for complilation of rebl-AMR.
Perform the following steps
cd build
cmake ..
The executable will be placed in the /bin folder
mpirun -np Nprocessor ./bin/amrGem ./input/Geometry.stl procLevel meshLevel
- NProcessor: Number of processes (squared number)
- proclevel : topology adaptation level
- meshlevel : gradient based adaptation level
- The output is written to the /soln folder
- Paraview can be used to visualize the solution
- Simply open the file ending with xdmf in soln/
│ CMakeLists.txt
└─── CMakeModules
│ │ FindMYMPI.cmake: cmake script to find MPI
│ │ FindMYHDF5.cmake: cmake script to find HDF5
| | FindParmetis.cmake
| | FindZoltan.cmake
| | ProcessorCount.cmake
| | ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake
| | CorrectWindowsPaths.cmake
└─── src
│ │ ReblAmr.cpp
│ │ templateForest.cpp
│ │ communicate.cpp
│ │ interpolate.cpp
│ │ solver.cpp
│ │ hdf5xmf.cpp
│ │ geomSTL.cpp
│ │ datatype.cpp
| | tree.cpp
│ │ templatePhdf5.cpp
│ │ params.cpp
│ │ definitions.cpp
│ │
│ └─── include (headers)
│ │ ReblAmr.hpp
│ │ templateForest.hpp
│ │ communicate.hpp
│ │ interpolate.hpp
│ │ solver.hpp
│ │ hdf5xmf.hpp
│ │ geomSTL.hpp
│ │ datatype.hpp
| | tree.hpp
│ │ templatePhdf5.hpp
│ │ params.hpp
│ │ definitions.hpp
└─── bin
│ amrGem (executable)
└─── build
│ Will be populated by cmake
└─── soln
│ │ Pxdmf3d1.h5: outputs the file in hdf5 format
│ │ Pxdmf3d1.xmf: meta data to be used by ParaView
└─── archives
For complete documentation visit
We welcome any feedbacks by the users and developers
Please read the LICENSE file for how to use this software
rebl-AMR is developed as part of the NSF-GEM3D Award No. 1440638.
It is developed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Jaber J. Hasbestan ([email protected])
- Shamsulhaq Basir ([email protected])
- Inanc Senocak ([email protected])