Location / orientation script player demo for Godot
-Use your mouse to look around.
-W key go forward.
-S key go backward.
-A key go left.
-D key go right.
-Q key go down.
-E key go up.
-CTRL key toggle between fly and edit mode.
-T key Increase first person's fly speed.
-G key Decrease first person's fly speed.
-B key Spawn a new 1 m3 box (cube).
-Left mouse button activate stick-type manipulator.
-Right mouse button activate plate-type manipulator.
-F1-F3 Change camera (F1 = first person, F2 = camera rig camera, F3 = object camera)
-R key Restart currently selected LOScript.
-P Pause
-F5 Jump 5s back in LOScript
-F6 Jump 5s forward in LOScript
-F12 Full screen toggle
You can change the replayed location/orientation script (in .LOSCript-files) using "Dataset"-spinbox. There's also "visibility scripts" that can be activated with the checkbox. These scripts were used to generate videos so that the visibilities of different objects could be scripted and also timeshift of timeshifted object can be manipulated. Otherwise I'd recommend to just try everything out if interested. There's nothing to broke (I hope).
The flying code is from Jeremy Bullock's youtube tutorial series on first person control.
Following 3D-models used with their respective (CC-BY) licenses:
'Low Poly Horse' by sketchfab user 'Nioma van der Steen' (https://sketchfab.com/fromthestone): https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-horse-c8778532ab804fc18cae6a0e20feffd3 (Files can be found from a folder 'low_poly_horse')
'Low-Poly Car' by sketchfab user 'Lawrence Pompey' (https://sketchfab.com/imaginerd3d): https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-car-3bee85b8530046e5bb11a57965129187 (Files can be found from a folder 'low-poly_car')
'Low Poly Plane' by sketchfab user 'scailman' (https://sketchfab.com/scailman): https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-plane-76230052903540e9aeb46b7db35329e4 (Files can be found from a folder 'low_poly_plane')
'Pixel Low Poly Spaceship' by sketchfab user 'Tony' (https://sketchfab.com/tony_zerobudgetgames): https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/pixel-low-poly-spaceship-eaad1ae4bf6a43fd9f3a80400dacbbfd (Files can be found from a folder 'pixel_low_poly_spaceship')
All the 3D-models above are under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY 4.0) by their owners. Full terms at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/