"Gal Mun-Gral" is the Old Chinese pronunciation of my name
- Real-time finite volume method (FVM) solution to the 2D Navier–Stokes equations [demo][code]
- Reconstruction of DEM from hillshade using the Frankot-Chellappa algorithm [demo] [code]
- 2D GPU path rendering based on numerical root finding [demo] [code]
- A simple ray-traced illustration of the Mercator projection [demo] [code]
- Volume rendering of real-time finite difference method (FDM) solution to the 3D wave equation [demo] [code]
- Real-time finite difference method (FDM) solution to the 2D wave equation [demo] [code]
- A simple hillshade renderer of DEM data [demo] [code]
- Real-time recursive ray tracing on GPU [demo] [code]
- A basic Tripos Mol2 file viewer [demo] [code]