Tools for program transformation in prolog.
The optimiser is intended to give a suite of optimisations that can be performed on a file wide, or per-predicate basis.
Currently the only optimisation method deployed is a search for clause-overlap which inserts cuts when we can prove that subsequent clauses are unreachable.
To start the optimiser on a predicate:
:- use_module(library(transformer)).
:- optimise(p/3).
p(x,y,z) :- q.
p(x,w,z) :- r.
p(x,y,a) :- s.
or run it on the whole file:
:- use_module(library(transformer)).
:- optimise_all.
or go wild and let it run on everything!
:- use_module(library(transformer)).
:- optimise_everything.
To set options you can run:
:- set_optimise_options(Options)
Currently the only options are
:Boolean = true
for placing cuts when clauses are disjointlog_stream(Stream)
for reporting information about transformations.
- A "guard" optimiser which does a search for all predicates at the beginning of a clause which are in a guard language (integer,string,atom,var,nonvar,ground etc.) and places a cut when subsequent clauses are unreachable. Most of the code is already written for this.
- Negative information propagation. Cuts in previous clauses tell us that in order to have cascaded, something before the cut must have been false. i.e
p(X) :-
p(X) :-
% implies that
\+ (nonvar(X),
int(X)) in H.