S. No. | File/Directory Names | Description |
1 | ros-simulations | Catkin workspace with launch files to run turtlebot simulations. Scripts for data collection and visualization. |
2 | Zhang-intrinsics | Scripts and data to run camera intrinsic calibration |
3 | 2D-lidar-camera-calib | Scripts to run 2D lidar and camera calibration |
4 | 3D-lidar-camera-calib | Scripts to run 3D lidar and camera calibration |
5 | Misc | Misc. scripts that are currently not being used |
6 | MR_Project_Final.pdf | Final submission slides |
7 | old_MR_Project_MidSubmission.pdf | Mid-submission slides |
NOTE: Please refer to the READMEs within the directories for information on its exact contents
S. No. | Team Member Name | Profile |
1 | Gnana Prakash Punnavajhala | Github |
2 | Vineeth Bhat | Github |
3 | Mitansh Kayathwal | Github |