Iowa Wound Pain processing/analysis for Campbell et al. 2024 are listed below. Scripts to reproduce the figures and table values reported in Campbell et al. (2024) can be found here, using provided data including a Phyloseq object generated with this script from Qiime2 output. The raw data are available under NCBI bioproject PRJNA1102692.
- Raw demultiplexed data path from Qi’s pipeline in IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/demultiplexed, IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/demultiplexed
- GH:IowaWound/mappings/Manifest35.tsv
- GH:IowaWound/mappings/Manifest35.tsv
- Raw demultiplexed data path from Qi’s pipeline in IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/demultiplexed, IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/demultiplexed
- GH:IowaWound/mappings/Manifest35.tsv, GH:IowaWound/mappings/Manifest32.tsv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/paired-end-demux35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/paired-end-demux32.qza
- Raw demultiplexed data path from Qi’s pipeline in IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/demultiplexed, IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/demultiplexed
- Full MultiQC output to IowaWoundData/MultiQC_PostDemuxed
The basic principle of truncation length selection was to select a length that met a high enough median PHRED quality cutoff without cutting reads so short that pairs would fail to overlap and would be filtered out in the denoising step of Qiime2. As described in my 2021-11-2 notebook entry, I used ChooseDadaTruncations.R to identify the read lengths such that each read would meet a Phred quality cutoff of 20, 23, and 25. I then tested the parameters associated with each of these cutoff scores for each run using , and plotted the filtered nonchimeric read yield for each set of parameters using FilteringDenoisingStats.R.
- IowaWoundData/MultiQC_PostDemuxed/mqc_fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot_1.txt
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/paired-end-demux35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/paired-end-demux32.qza
- Range of truncation length parameters for MiSeqV1V3_32 chosen in ChooseDadaTruncations.R
- Range of truncation length parameters parameters for MiSeqV1V3_35 chosen in ChooseDadaTruncations.R:
To maximize the filtered nonchimeric paired reads yielded from the denoising step, and in particular that of MiSeqV1V3_35 (which had much lower read depth than MiSeqV1V3_32), I selected 282 and 247 as truncation lengths for the forward and reverse reads, respectively.
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/paired-end-demux35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/paired-end-demux32.qza
- Truncation lengths selected in step 4
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/denoising-stats32.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/denoising-stats35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/rep-seqs32.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/table32.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/denoising-stats32.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/rep-seqs35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/table35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/denoising-stats35.qza
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/rep-seqs32.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/table32.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/denoising-stats32.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/rep-seqs35.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/table35.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/denoising-stats35.qzv
- table32.qza
- samples-to-keep-32.tsv
- samples-to-keep-35.tsv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/table32.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/table35.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_32/rep-seqs32.qzv
- IowaWoundData/MiSeqV1V3_35/rep-seqs35.qzv
- IowaWoundData/Qiime2Data/rep-seqs-merged.qza
- IowaWoundData/Qiime2Data/mergedtable.qza
- IowaWoundData/Qiime2Data/rep-seqs-merged.qza
- IowaWoundData/Qiime2Data/mergedtable.qza
- masked-aligned-rep-seqs-merged.qza (alignment)
- unrooted-tree-merged.qza (unrooted tree)
- rooted-tree-merged.qza (rooted tree)
Qiime2Data/RInput/taxonomy.tsv (full taxonomy table with Kingdom-->species) Qiime2Data/RInput/table-with-taxonomy.biom (.biom format OTU/ASV table with Taxa IDs) Qiime2Data/RInput/table-with-taxonomy.tsv (OTU/ASV table with taxa IDs in .tsv format, easy for sweet R script to read) Qiime2Data/RInput/tree.nwk (unrooted tree in .newick form for input into Phyloseq, unifrac distances)